Hi All!
First off let me thank all the participants and volunteers that took part in the winter steelhead clinic, According to the emails that I have received it was a success. Thank you for the great response.
As you all know we will be doing the clean-up at North Santiam State Park on the 25th of this month, We will be serving lunch (Hamburgers and Hotdogs) along with the potluck dishes that you will bring, the fun starts at 9:00am and with all the people who have signed up it shouldn’t take long, and there should be plenty of time to go fishing, so don’t forget your gear.
The next clinic is on the 2nd of May and it will be an outdoor skills fly fishing class, the class has been limited to 15 so if you want to attend you need to go to www.odfwcalendar.com click on the date of the clinic and sign up, the cost is $52.00, we will be serving lunch. For those of you that are ODFW instructors we can use your help and we will also need help with lunch and clean up, so please sign up at the meeting.
I just heard that the first Chinook of the season has crossed Bennett dam in Stayton and is now somewhere in the North Santiam River, so good luck and keep fishing.
Our meeting is on Tuesday the 21st at Keizer City Hall at 7:00pm. Our guest speaker is Jeremy Jahns, The Kokanee Kid. Jeremy will have his tackle on sale at the meeting and will have great tips on how to catch Kokanee.
We will also have our refreshments and our door prize drawings so come early and get your tickets and enjoy the evening. We will also have Alaska Trip and Boat tickets on sale for the last time at this meeting, so if you haven’t bought tickets now is the time to do it, and if you have bought tickets now is the time to pick up some more and increase your chances of winning.
Well got to run now I hear that Chinook in the river calling my name, see you at the meeting, and keep your line tight and your powder dry.