Hi All !
Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather, I know that the
weather was wonderful last weekend for the Learn The River
Trip from Mehama to Stayton, we had 14 boats and had a great
time floating the river, we did a lot of fishing but the only thing
caught were a couple of trout, that we had to put back ( it’s not
trout season yet) all in all the trip was great.
We have a lot of events coming up this month, Minto Park
Clean-up is tomorrow Saturday the 14th, next Saturday is Youth
Outdoor Day At EE Wilson and the following weekend is the free
fishing day at the Roaring river hatchery for the kids, all of you
that volunteered for these events please be on time.
I haven’t heard who our speaker will be this meting it will
either be The Kokanee Kid Or Gilly, Which ever it is it will be
good so bring a friend. We will have refreshments and the door
prizes, and the great company of all the other Steelheaders.
The fish are in the river but they are very reluctant to bite,
maybe it will improve when the water warms up a little.
Keep your line tight and your powder dry see you Tuesday the
17th. at the meeting. Brian