May 2019 Newletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 15 May 2019

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages— On behalf of our President, Mike Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a Very Happy Memorial Day. “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may not remember, Involve me, and I will understand”. An old Indian lesson given to young braves. Maybe this fits the mission of our chapter.

Paper Fishing Licenses: Some of us do not have “smart phone [?] Doohickeys” to hold and display our government issued fishing licenses and other stuff. We found that if you purchase your licenses at Sportsman’s for a 50 cent surcharge they will print it on waterproof paper.

Meeting Date is 21 May. The meeting will be at the Keizer City Hall at 7:00 pm. Our speaker will be Mr. Jason Hambly of Pro-Cure Bait Scents. Jason will be talking about new products and how to use these products on actual eggs and herring. You don’t want to miss this meeting. Other items of interest will be discussed. Please see the attached flyer and bring a friend. The next general meeting will be held on the 18 June 2019. Our speaker will be Mr. Dave Schamp of Hatchery & Wild-Coexist.

C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented.

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishing, please make it known to a board member.

Association raffle tickets: Thank You to the members who bought tickets at the last meeting. Please bring an extra few bucks and we will sell you some boat tickets.

Our next and last sale date is Saturday 18 May 2019. All we ask for is just three hours of your time: 9:00 a.m.-noon, or noon-3:00 p.m. at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. If you can help us please give Bob J. a call at the number listed below.
The raffle tickets are for a Clacka Craft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to go. This program is a
fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer.

Chapter Picnic: The board is exploring the option to have the chapter picnic at Salem Cascade Park vs Santiam State Park. [The Santiam State park is now open. The fire damage is “mostly “on the west side of the main road and boat launch area. Walking trails on that side are still closed].
The board is concerned that attendance at this event has been less than expected and maybe by holding it in the Salem area, it will generate more interest and attendance. The date for this event is July 13
th. There is fishing ponds available for you or your family to experience, maybe hold a how to class? And lots of trails and grass available for play. We will have a sign up list at the next general meeting, and please give us your input.

Capitol Fish Pond: Saturday 25 May at the east end of the Capitol Mall, 900 Court Street NE. You will need to be at the pond at 8:00 am, the event goes until noon. This will be a wonderful event and we are hoping for a good turnout! Attached is the flyer so share it with anyone you may know who would be interested in coming out, helping, and/or catching fish! These are the stations we are need to fill: Helping out at the fishing pool (netting, whacking, helping kids, etc.): 5 or more volunteers; Fillet station: 2 volunteers; Backyard bass (casting): 2-4 volunteers; Knot tying: 1-2 volunteers; bugs and fly tying; and a welcome desk (handing out brochures, answering questions, giving out free fishing event info, etc.: 1-2 volunteers. The Steelheaders will be setting up a booth as well and will be manning that. We will have a Sign Up Sheet at the meeting. Please see attached flyer. The event is sponsored by the Oregon Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and several sporting groups.

Youth Outdoor Day: A program sponsored by ODFW and other organizations where several programs are offered to youngsters of all ages at E.E. Wilson Reserve. We help getting the kids to catch a fish in the ponds. We will need some volunteers to coordinate activities, prepare the fishing poles, reels, fishing gear, and attend the event to help the kids. This event will be held on Saturday June 8, 2019. More information to follow, if you want to help, let us know—signup sheet will be at the next meeting.

Leaburg Hatchery Help: You assistance is needed to help keep the Leaburg Hatchery operating. The Leaburg hatchery is once again at risk.  Anti-hatchery activists are resorting to false claims to oppose state funding of this valuable hatchery.  We need you to CLICK HERE to send your state legislators a pre-drafted letter urging them to fund ODFW’s continued operation of the Leaburg hatchery.  Or you may send a letter in your own words.  
Last year, CCA led the successful effort to secure one-year of state funding for ODFW to continue operating the Leaburg hatchery after the Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would be closed.  The Leaburg hatchery, located east of Eugene and constructed to mitigate for the impact of federal dams in the Willamette River basin, is critical to the future of our fisheries – including efforts to increase production of Willamette River spring Chinook.  It would cost as much as $100 million to construct a new hatchery to replace Leaburg, which is in excellent condition and enjoys a plentiful water supply.
We will have more information at the meeting on the 21st of May.

Replacement for the Secretary and Webmaster: Bob J. announced that he will be retiring from the chapter secretary job that he has had on and off since 2004. We need someone to fill that office. Our Webmaster has resigned his position. If you have any skills in maintaining a web page and posting information and photos to the chapter web page and Facebook we need you. Dave S. will work with you for a smooth transition. If you are interested, please talk with President Matt Tucker or Bob J.

 Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish, you have caught or places you have fished send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website:

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Not getting correspondence: If you are not receiving your membership information from the Association please see the secretary, Bob Johnston. We found one member who was listed in another chapter. A lot of the phone numbers we have in the listing are not correct.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. NOTE: when you renew, you need to indicate if you want to be reminded about your membership by snail mail, if you do not so indicate you will receive renewals by e-mail. If you need more information please contact Bob J., Robert M. or Linda C. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.
Hope to see you at the next meeting; we will start at 7:00 p.m. on 21 May 2019.

Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. Matt Tucker President