March 2017 Newsletter




Hi All !

Hope you all are staying dry, for March this is unusual weather 2 days of snow, Ice and rain and then just as you think it has passed it starts again. If you weren’t on the learn the river trip on Saturday the 4th you missed a great trip. Bob said it was sunny and almost warm and the fishing wasn’t bad either they caught some smolts and there was one steelhead caught, but he wasn’t with our group, according to our river expert there are fish in the river and if it ever stops raining we just might try to get some.

Our meeting for March 21st will have Jack Glass as our speaker and we will be raffling off two seats on Jacks boat and learning some valuable hints on how to catch Steelhead and maybe even Salmon, so please come early and get your tickets for the drawings.

At this time of year I try to get volunteers for our up and coming events, I would like all the angler educators to sign up for our Fly Fishing Clinic on April 29th the last two we have had were a big success and a lot of fun, then in June we have free fishing weekend on the 3rd and Youth Outdoor Day on the 10th and I hope to get at least 12 to 15 volunteers to come and teach the kids how to fishing help with the set up and take down of the fishing booth.

As usual we will have refreshments and our usual drawings for prizes, so bring a friend and enjoy the meeting. See you there. Keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian