December 2018 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 9 December 2018

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages–this is your chapter newsletter for December 2018. On behalf of our President Matt Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

18 December meeting and dinner has been planned by the Board. We will have the Association Past Executive Director Bob Rees as our guest speaker. Bob is in charge of campaigns and policy for the association. Bob is a guide and a very successful fisherman. We are sure you will find his presentation very informative. The chapter will provide the ham and members will bring the side dishes. We had a signup sheet at the last meeting. If you did not get a chance to sign up and want to attend, please send me an e-mail: [email protected] or 503-507-1424 and tell me how many will be attending and what you are bringing. Please leave a phone message, I do not text. Suggestions are welcome. Past dinners have been outstanding and lots of fun. The drawing will be different: all attending will be given a ticket at no cost and drawings will be made for some very nice prizes. We will provide soft beverages and tableware. Start 7:00 p.m. 18 December 2017.

C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: The board of directors works hard to bring speakers to our meetings who are knowledgeable in their field of expertise, to enlighten and entertain the membership so you will want to attend the meetings, join and maintain your association membership and support the goals of the association. Some of our speakers travel from great distances to speak to us.
Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the
Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented. Ongoing conversations with the person sitting next to you during the program, correcting the speakers on his technique, and continuous comments of your personal experiences and fishing abilities are not appropriate.

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishing, please make it known to a board member.

Association raffle tickets: We hope to have raffle tickets for a three day Alaskan fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and a Clacka Craft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings, and hopefully, if we can get some volunteers, at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. I may have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer or at the meetings. I plan to have a signup sheet at the dinner/meeting. Sell dates will be published when we get the tickets.

Donation to the Chapter: A very “big” THANK YOU to one of our members who donated $250.00 to our chapter. That is very generous of you and very much appreciated.

 Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: .

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. If you need more information please contact Bob J. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.

Hope to see you at the December meeting; be hungry we will start at 7:00 p.m. 18 Dec. 2018.

Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. Matt Tucker President