September 2024 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders

Newsletter for September 2024




Next Membership Meeting Scheduled for September 17th

Our next monthly membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00 PM in Keizer City Hall. The latest word about a program for our meeting was to have President Jay Wylie present a chapter from the Steelhead 101 Class on “Fishing Ethics & Advice.”

How I Spent My Summer Vacation” by Glenn Tadina, Nigel Hearne and Mike Ferris

I hope you all had an enjoyable two months off since our last meeting in June. At least three of our Salem Chapter members were able to travel to Coffman Cove on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska in search of more productive fishing waters during their vacations in July and August. The following photos bear witness to their success and they all returned with multiple boxes of salmon and halibut for their freezers at home.

Salem Chapter Members Glenn Tadina, Nigel Hearne and Mike Ferris with proof of their fishing success in Coffman Cove, Alaska

Save the Date Reminder Notice

Please be reminded to save the date for the annual ANWS Hall of Fame Banquet which is scheduled to be held on Saturday, November 9th at The Gray Gables Estate in Portland, Oregon. More details about this event will follow later.

Reminder Notice for Membership Dues

If you need to pay your annual membership dues, attached below is a Membership Form for your convenience. Please return your completed form and dues payment to:


Linda Chezem – Treasurer

663 Rockwood St. SE

Salem, OR. 97306


Submitted by Mike Ferris

Salem Chapter Secretary
