Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for December 2020
On behalf of President Rod Ratzlaff and members of the Board of Directors, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; please be safe and stay well.
We hope you all are doing well; if you’ve got the COVID-19 Virus, hope you are getting better. If you are well enough, I hope you are getting some fishing and catching the big ones.
Monday December 7 is Remember Pearl Harbor Day: Please let’s break out “Old Glory” and fly her high and proudly. Thank You.
The chapter meetings and activities: All are canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. The chapter Board of Directors were polled and after some discussion, it was decided it would be best to cancel our chapter activities until after the first of the year. The average age of our members is over 55. Our speakers do not want to make a presentation to a small group of 8-10 members so it is not worth their time and expense to come to Salem. I will continue to update you through this newsletter. The Board of Directors will meet when it is safe to plan activities for the spring and summer. If you have any suggestions, please contact a board member.
Chapter Presidents Corner: Rod Ratzlaff has assumed the duties of the office of President. If any member would like to step up and become the President of the Salem Chapter, please step forward and let us know. We also need someone to fill the office of secretary. Please.
The taking of your rights: A land owner in the Three Rivers {Hebo} area has/may be initiating a challenge to the Oregon River Access law as it pertains to the river that flows through his property. The Association plans to be joining with other sporting organizations to oppose any changes to the Oregon law as it is now written.
The ODFW Web Page: ( https:[email protected] ) Recreation Report will give you information on events that may be of interest to you. ODFW web page: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/news/2020/ also has information you may want to check out. You can sign up for news releases from ODFW at: https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/odfw-news.
NWSH Association News Letter: The Assn. newsletter has grown to several pages of information. I cannot reproduce it here or make copies for members who do not have email. It has a lot of good information and activities in it. You can find it on line at: https://nwsteelheaders.org/blog/newsletter/.
NWSH Association Membership drive: The association has initiated a membership drive to bring in new members and also to try to reach out to members who let their memberships expire in hopes they will rejoin. We will initiate a calling program when we have some activities to offer at our meetings. Hopefully, the chapter will gain members, contact with folks who may be unhappy with us, or give us input on how we can improve. When the Assn. canceled the Boat and Raffle ticket sales, the chapter does not have much income. Donations are welcome. Some changes to memberships:
Sustaining Membership $5 or $10 per month Sustainers are crucial to providing an ongoing base of community support that we can rely on, so you can continue to rely on us. Each month, we will charge your credit or debit card the amount that you specify. Your Sustaining Membership will automatically continue unless you choose to cancel or change it.
Annual Membership: $30 per year Our Annual Membership is our most popular membership option, and for good reason! Whether you’re new to Northwest Steelheaders or a long-time member, our Annual Membership is an affordable, consistent way to contribute to our legacy of conservation advocacy and fishing education work.
Lifetime Membership $500 one time or $100 in 5 installments Lifetime Members are essential to our community. They contribute a disproportionate amount of support to make certain that Northwest Steelheaders has the capacity to address the issues that the wider sportfishing community cares about. The Assn. office had assured me that they are sending out notices of when your dues need to be paid.
The last listing I have lists your expiration date as:
Please give me your feedback. Thank you. Bob J.
Boat Ramps in Oregon: I found this link at the Marine Board web page: https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=841da68081294bb2a6b50f93b1a12f05 It shows the boat ramps in Oregon, and where you can get information if it is open. They state the information in areas affected by the recent fires may not be up to date but they do give you contact numbers to check.
Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line. ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.
Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/
Article for the Newsletter: If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected]. No phone text please.
If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.
Sorry about the small print, but I saved ink and a several pages of paper by using it.
Submitted: Approved:
Bob Johnston Rod Ratzlaff
Secretary President