The ¼” backer rod available for sale here: Raw Rag Material – Build Your Own – The Guide’s Forecast or here: Rag Package – The Guide’s Forecast
Thank you!
Bob Rees
The ¼” backer rod available for sale here: Raw Rag Material – Build Your Own – The Guide’s Forecast or here: Rag Package – The Guide’s Forecast
Thank you!
Bob Rees
Salem Chapter, Salem, Oregon, 11 December 2017
Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages, this is your chapter update-newsletter for December 2017. On behalf of our Vice President, Rod Ratzlaff, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
December meeting and dinner is being planned by the Board. We will have the Association Executive Director Bob Rees as our guest speaker. Bob is a guide and a very successful fisherman. The chapter will provide the ham and members will bring the side dishes. We had a signup sheet at the last meeting. If you did not get a chance to sign up and want to attend, please send me an e-mail: joh[email protected] or 503-507-1424 and tell me how many will be attending and what you are bringing, Please leave a message. Suggestions are welcome. Past dinners have been outstanding and lots of fun. The drawing will be different: all attending will be given a ticket at no cost and a drawing will be made for some very nice prizes. We will provide soft beverages and tableware. Start 7:00 p.m.
We have the association raffle tickets for a three day Alaskan fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and ClackaCraft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings, and hopefully, if we can get some volunteers, at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. I have reserved the following Saturdays: 16 December, 6 January and 20 January. I have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer or at the meetings.) Dates for selling tickets at Sportsman’s Warehouse on Lancaster Salem:Two shifts 1000-12:00 am, 12:00-3:00 pm. Hope to have three person teams. Our chapter receives money from the ticket sales. The association today just announced: Persons selling tickets will be entered in a drawing for one person.
ANWS will purchase one 3-day, 4-night fishing package at Kenai Riverside Lodge as a raffle sales incentive prize to be redeemed in August 2018. Prize includes ground transportation to and from Anchorage and the lodge, lodging, meals, and three days guided fishing. This package is valued at $2,780. All the winner needs is to get to Anchorage.
Have you checked our chapter web page lately? https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ Dave S. has put a lot of work to make it informative, links to fishing guides, fishing news, activities, photos, and more. We hope to have “open seat” availability on the board soon. If there is something you want to see on the board or have something to contribute, i.e. a story or photos, please let us know.
NOTE: At our meetings we have an open seat board with a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out, you may meet a new fishing buddy.
Our Past President, Brian Winn, is improving but he is still experiencing medical problems that have left him with limited mobility and ability to carry out the duties of his office. He is in the Vancouver VA Hospital so if you are in the area and have some free time, he would enjoy a visit. We understand he has improved so much that he may get a pass to come home for part of the holidays.
November Meeting: Our guest speaker was local guide and fisherman, Matt Halseth. Matt gave us lots of information about the North Santiam River, local area, and coast fisheries. If you have suggestions of speakers or programs you would like to hear, please tell us.
Are you getting your Association magazine, The Northwest Steelheader, information from the association, and chapter e-mails? If you are not, please contact me. I think there are two listings at HQ. that may not be accurate. If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information. Some e-mail I do send bounces back because of errors, or your box is full. I need a little help here.
We are still looking for someone to step up and take the office of Chapter President. Rod is doing an outstanding job as Vice President, but his day job limits the time he can give to us. A Salem resident would be most helpful.
Hope to see you at the December meeting, be hungry we will start at 7:00 p.m.
Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec.
Salem Chapter, Salem, Oregon, 13 November 2017
Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages—this is your chapter update-newsletter for November 2017.
Our Past President, Brian Winn, is improving but he is still experiencing medical problems that have left him with limited mobility and ability to carry out the duties of his office. He is in the Portland VA Hospital on the 9th floor, so if you are in the area and have some free time, he would enjoy a visit. We understand he has improved so much he may get a pass to come home for Thanksgiving.
On Saturday, the Association held its Annual Banquet at the Wilsonville Holiday Inn. This event was well attended; the Salem Chapter had a table of 8 members in attendance. The association recognized veterans from all services. There was a presentation of our national and service flags by the local Boy Scout Troop. Several awards to chapters and members of the association for volunteer services were made. The keynote speaker was Mr. Brett Miller of Warfighter Outfitters Inc. of Sisters, OR. Mr. Miller is an Army Veteran recovering from his major wounds, loss of limbs, and he is dedicating his time by getting wounded veterans into fishing by taking them on outings. [We have his card if you would like to know more and maybe help him on his mission]. An auction for items, trips, and holidays was conducted to raise funds to continue the mission of restoring our Pacific Northwest fish runs and enhancing fishing opportunities for today and the next 50 years. Robert Morton won a “Go Pro” camera.
We have the association raffle tickets for a three day Alaskan fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and ClackaCraft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings, and hopefully if we can get some volunteers at Sportsman’s Warehouse S. Lancaster, Salem. I have reserved the following Saturdays: 18 Nov., 2 Dec., and16 Dec. Hopefully, we can continue selling after the first of the year. I have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. If you can help, please contact me at e-mail [email protected], or at the meetings, (phone calls may not be remembered.)
December meeting and dinner is being planned by the Board. We will have the Association Executive Director Bob Rees. Bob is a guide and a very successful fisherman. The Chapter will provide the Ham and you will bring the side dishes. We will have a sign-up sheet to tell us what you will be bringing to the dinner at our next meeting. Suggestions are welcome.
November Meeting will be on 21 November 2017. Our guest speaker will be local guide and fisherman, Matt Halseth. Matt has lots information about the Santiam River, local area, and coast fisheries. We will be raffling off a seat in his boat. Please see the flyer on the next page.
Are you getting your Association magazine, The Northwest Steelheader, information from the association, and chapter e-mails? If you are not, please contact me. I think there are two listings at HQ. that may not be accurate. If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us that information. Some e-mail I do send bounces back because of errors, or the box is full. I need a little help here.
We are still looking for someone to step up and take the office of Chapter President. Rod is doing an outstanding job as Vice President, but his day job limits the time he can give to us. A Salem resident would be most helpful.
Steelhead Fishing Workshop was held at the Santiam State Park Rt. 22 east of Salem. This was a joint ODFW and Salem Steelheaders project. Fifteen people took the class; some were new fisherman and some were experienced. Two members from another chapter came to see how we do it. It went well as the students had positive comments and weather was cold and wet. Thank you to our volunteer instructors and ODFW organizers. “Good Job!”
Hope to see you at the November meeting. Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec.
Salem Chapter, Salem, Oregon, 11 October 2017
Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages: this is your chapter update-newsletter for October 2017.
Our Past President, Brian Winn, is improving but still is experiencing medical problems that have left him with limited mobility and ability to carry out the duties of his office. He is in the Portland VA Hospital on the 9th floor, so if you are in the area and have some free time, he would enjoy a visit. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Rod Ratzlaff is our new Vice President and a major contributor to the chapter.
We must have active members to have a viable chapter. In my opinion, membership in an organization is more than just paying dues and attending an occasional meeting. Just now, our “past due membership” is larger than our “paid up membership.” Please help us by getting “your” membership up to date.
We are still looking for someone to take on the duties of Chapter President. The Board of Directors will assist you in any way we can. We need new ideas and motivation.
Our next meeting will be on 17 October 2017 at Keizer City Hall. The speaker will be Thom Kaffun (see flyer page 2).
The Association “SHOT” Darby went well. You can see photos and stories at the Association Facebook page and they have added the upcoming Salem Chapter meeting to the ANWS calendar of events and to the ANWS Facebook page.
The association will be holding the Hall of Fame Banquet and Auction on 11 NOV 2017, 4:00-9:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Wilsonville, OR, The chapter is planning to buy a table for 10 people. The chapter will pay $30.00 and members attending will pay the balance of $30.00. There will be good food and lots of entertainment. More information will be available at our meeting or by checking the association web page. http://nwsteelheaders.org/events/hall-of-fame/
ODFW and Salem chapter will hold a Training Workshop outlining expectations and volunteer orientation on 18 October 2017 from 5:00-7:30pm and a Steelhead Fishing Workshop on 21 October 2017 from 7:00 am-5:00 pm at the North Santiam State Park. From Salem, take Rt. 22 east; just past mile post “26” you will turn Rt. into the street leading to the park. ODFW invites you to a Volunteer Training and Appreciation on 9 December 2017 at the ODFW Headquarters in Salem, Oregon from 11am until 2pm. More information will be available at the October meeting.
Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. (see page 2)
Salem Chapter, Salem, Oregon 28 August 2017
Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages: this is your chapter update-newsletter for August 2017.
Our chapter is at a point of failing and disbanding.
I am your chapter secretary, assisting President Brian Winn.
Our President, Brian Winn and Vice President, Bob Lusk have experienced medical problems that have left them with limited mobility and ability to carry out the duties of their offices. We wish them a speedy recovery.
Over the past 17 years that I have been a member of this chapter, we have seen a small decline in our membership. Participation in our activities and general meetings has slowly declined. We had only 15 (plus or minus) members at the last meetings. Our chapter picnic scheduled for July 15, 2017 was cancelled due to lack of participation by the chapter members.
At our general meetings and in our newsletters, we have addressed the need to have elections for a president and vice president and have asked the membership for people to step forward and fill those offices. To date, no one has.
The members of the board of directors have stated that they are willing to continue in the offices they hold. They will assist and help the new leadership in any way they can. Brian W. and Bob L. have offered to assist when and where they can. The Association has also offered help.
September is when we usually start our year of chapter meetings and programs. To do this and be in compliance with the Bi-Laws of the Association, we need the leadership of a president and vice president. We also need new ideas, younger members, and most of all, participation.
The Chapter Board of Directors will meet on 6 September 2017 at 6:30 pm in the meeting/break room at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on Lancaster Dr., Salem. The meeting room is upstairs and can be entered through the shoe department using the stairs. There is an elevator available if you have mobility problems.
The primary agenda of the board meeting will be:
Thank you, I hope to see you at the board meeting.
Bob Johnston
Hi All!
Well here it is time for the inspiring newsletter.
I’m sorry to say that the fishing isn’t that good but some fish
are being caught on the coast, don’t give up though there is
always time to get lucky.
First off I want to thank the volunteers that came to Minto
Park for the clean-up, awesome job guys I hope you enjoyed the
lunch. Also thanks go out to the Free Fishing volunteers that
helped at Albany, and last but certainly not least, I am so proud
of the people that braved the rain and wind to come and help
the kids at Youth Outdoor Day it was not the best of conditions
for the outing, but the kids were happy. Thank You…..
This is our last meeting before the summer break, I would
really like to see a great turn out for our guest speaker Curt
Curry, He will be giving you pointers on catching Steelhead, you
don’t want to miss this one.
I will be looking for people to help with the Summer Steelhead
Clinic to be held in Sept. on the 16th, I also want to know howmany of our chapter will be attending the Chapter Picnic on July the 16th, We really need to know so we can buy the food, and don’t forget to bring your potluck dish to share with your fellow
At our last meeting till Sept. we will have a great door prize
selection and refreshments, so please bring your spare change
and join in the festivities. and thank you for your support in the
Salem Chapter of the North West Steelheaders.
Until we meet Keep your line tight and your powder dry.
Hi All!
Can you believe that the sun is shining? Yes thats right that is the sun. Long time no see huh? Well it’s back and I hope it stays for awhile.
First off, I would like to thank all the volunteers that helped with the fly fishing clinic. The clinic was a big success and we have received lots of compliments for our clinic and the volunteers.
We also made a great allie in the ODFW, Jenny Ammon who took Shahabs place in the education department. she is a little worry wort, but she just wants all of us to succeed with our endeavors.
Next I would like to say how deeply I was hurt by the turnout at the last meeting with Sam Wurdinger ( 11 people and two were new), for one that doesn’t show a lot of respect for our speaker, or for the board that works so hard to find good speakers for your education, and a chance to go fishing with some great guides.
Our speaker for this meeting is Jeremy Jahns (The Kokanee Kid), I hope you all come to make good showing and the chance to find out where the best kokanee fishing is. this is a great opportunity to help you to catch some fish this year since the Steelhead and Salmon runs are so small. I guess we better start thinking about Trout, Kokanee, and Bass, So grab a friend and get to the meeting on the 16th at 7:00 pm. We will have the usual refreshments and door prizes, and maybe even have a little fun, so get your fishing buddies and come to the meeting.
Last but not least I need some people to volunteer to help us at the Youth Outdoor Day on June the 10th, I also have a sign up sheet for Minto Park clean up including lunch. The more people we have for this event the easier it is and we can sit and have some food and dream up new fish stories.
So until we meet again keep your line tight, and your powder dry. Brian
Hi All !
Well here am just sitting here wondering what to do, when all of a sudden I remembered that I haven’t done the news letter yet, I should have had it done last week.
Well I know that the fishing hasn’t been the greatest, but we can hope for a pickup soon, the Columbia river is now open for Chinook, if you like to brave the cold, go get em and bring your stories to the meeting.
Please don’t forget that we have elections at this meeting and we also have Sam Wurdinger from Dinger Jigs, Sam always has good info on the art of fishing jigs, so bring a friend..
I still need about 3 extra people for the Fly Fishing Clinic on the 29th to help out and jump in where needed, this is a great way to learn to fly fish and not have to pay for it.
We will have our usual door prizes and we will have refreshments, I’m sure that Sam will bring some his wares to sell so don’t be late. Tuesday 7:00pm Keizer City Hall April 18th, I”ll be looking for you. So until then keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian
Hi All !
Hope you all are staying dry, for March this is unusual weather 2 days of snow, Ice and rain and then just as you think it has passed it starts again. If you weren’t on the learn the river trip on Saturday the 4th you missed a great trip. Bob said it was sunny and almost warm and the fishing wasn’t bad either they caught some smolts and there was one steelhead caught, but he wasn’t with our group, according to our river expert there are fish in the river and if it ever stops raining we just might try to get some.
Our meeting for March 21st will have Jack Glass as our speaker and we will be raffling off two seats on Jacks boat and learning some valuable hints on how to catch Steelhead and maybe even Salmon, so please come early and get your tickets for the drawings.
At this time of year I try to get volunteers for our up and coming events, I would like all the angler educators to sign up for our Fly Fishing Clinic on April 29th the last two we have had were a big success and a lot of fun, then in June we have free fishing weekend on the 3rd and Youth Outdoor Day on the 10th and I hope to get at least 12 to 15 volunteers to come and teach the kids how to fishing help with the set up and take down of the fishing booth.
As usual we will have refreshments and our usual drawings for prizes, so bring a friend and enjoy the meeting. See you there. Keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian
On January 20th, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will decide the fate of Columbia River anglers for the 2017 fishing season and the future of the Columbia River Fisheries Reform Package. To date, Oregon’s anglers have not received what we paid for (the Columbia River endorsement fee), what we sacrificed for (smolt transfers from the Sandy River and Willamette River hatcheries to supplement the Young’s Bay gillnet fishery), and what we were promised (increased angler opportunity and greater conservation measures by the gillnet fleet).
Join your fellow anglers in a united front against attacks on the bi-state reform package agreement by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. In December, led by Commissioners Buckmaster and Anderson, who favor commercial fishing interests, the Oregon Commission voted to “freeze” implementation of the reform package, thereby rolling back the phase out of gillnets on the mainstem Columbia and the promised phase in of increased sport fishing opportunity.
Fortunately, this last Saturday, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission did not follow in Oregon’s footsteps, but instead largely sided with sport fishers. Washington decided to implement most of the key provisions of the reform package, including full implementation of the spring and summer season reforms, and a commitment to full implementation of fall season reforms in two years.
Now, the ball is the Oregon Commission’s court . . .
Sportanglers have kept their promises and the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission reaffirmed their commitment to their largest constituency through a decision prioritizing sportfishing on the mainstem Columbia. In the face of two already approved fee increases, and the need for support for an alternative fee package that recognizes that all Oregonians should pay for ODF&W’s programs, it’s time for the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission to recognize the merits of full implementation of the Columbia River Fishery Reforms. Please join your fellow anglers and urge the commission to keep their promises to our community by attending the January 20th meeting in Salem or email them, expressing your desires for full implementation of the reform policy. Please tell the Oregon Commission to:
Commit to full implementation of the Columbia River Reform Package – including the agreed to recreational fishing priority on the mainstem and a transition of gillnets to off channel areas.
Reject ODFW staff’s proposal to abandon full implementation and to allow non-selective gill nets to permanently remain on the mainstem.
Re-open the Young’s Bay area to recreational fishing – as recommended by ODFW to aid conservation of wild fish by removing more hatchery fish from the spawning grounds.
Allow the use of barbed hooks in the Willamette River and Oregon tributaries as also recommended by ODFW.
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Headquarters
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Salem, OR 97302
Meeting starts at 8:00am
Meanwhile, please consider writing the commission on your feelings for deviating from the course at:
AND, contact your Senator and Representative by finding their contact info here: