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Author Archives: Salem NW Steelheaders
May 2016 Newsletter
Hi All !
Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather, I know that the
weather was wonderful last weekend for the Learn The River
Trip from Mehama to Stayton, we had 14 boats and had a great
time floating the river, we did a lot of fishing but the only thing
caught were a couple of trout, that we had to put back ( it’s not
trout season yet) all in all the trip was great.
We have a lot of events coming up this month, Minto Park
Clean-up is tomorrow Saturday the 14th, next Saturday is Youth
Outdoor Day At EE Wilson and the following weekend is the free
fishing day at the Roaring river hatchery for the kids, all of you
that volunteered for these events please be on time.
I haven’t heard who our speaker will be this meting it will
either be The Kokanee Kid Or Gilly, Which ever it is it will be
good so bring a friend. We will have refreshments and the door
prizes, and the great company of all the other Steelheaders.
The fish are in the river but they are very reluctant to bite,
maybe it will improve when the water warms up a little.
Keep your line tight and your powder dry see you Tuesday the
17th. at the meeting. Brian
April 2016 Newsletter
Hi All
First off let me apologize for my mess up on the dates in the newsletter last month, that was why our speaker didn’t come, but Jack will be here at this meeting and I hope you will all come to see him and hear what he has to say, We will be raffling off two seats for Jack’s boat, so bring a friend and come enjoy the talk.
As you can tell by the fish counts at the dams we are not getting the fish we were hoping for but there are a few that have managed to avoid the jaws of the sea lions and seals, they seem to be a bigger problem this year and are now causing problems with small watercraft, so if you are fishing in the Willamette below the falls please be careful.
Hopefully all of you remember that this is election month and the office of President is open for nominations as are all the jobs on the board, and we can use a couple more able bodies on the board for special projects and some fresh ideas. Please remember that this great organization we belong to was founded by volunteers and is run by volunteers that love fishing and care about the environment so don’t be afraid to help out when needed, we on the board appreciate all of you.
As I mentioned Jack Glass will be at the meeting Tuesday April 19th 7:00pm at Keizer City Hall. (no mistake this time )
Just as a reminder Saturday is Clean-up day at North Santiam State Park it starts at 9:00am and we will be serving lunch about 12:00 This doesn’t cost you anything but a couple of hours of your time and it is a great help to the park rangers in getting the park ready for the summer campers, I only have 5 people that signed up at the meeting and we can really use more.
As usual there will be our regular door prizes and refreshments, so bring a friend and we will have a great turnout for Jack Glass.
So remember keep your line tight and your powder dry, see you at the meeting. Brian
March 2016 Newsletter
Hi All!
Well here it is March and it is coming in like a Lion. The water is rising again with all the rain and that means the fish will start moving again, so by the time the water goes down the fishing should be pretty good.
Ya know I can’t ask enough for volunteers, we are putting on a
Steelhead Clinic at the end of this month and I need help, we
are looking for people that can teach Knot tying and rigging as
well as casting and how to read the water and I even need a
cook for the lunch we will be serving, we can use some helpers
and remember anyone that helps gets to be in on the clinic and
learn right along with the students. Please keep this in mind,
your help is very valuable to us. Any one that is a certified An-
gler Instructor I hope you sign up to be at the clinic.
We also have a few other events coming up that we will re-
quire your help, so when you see the sign up sheets at the next
meeting Please sign up.
Our speaker this month is Jack Glass he will be speaking on
spring Chinook so please attend this very informative meeting,
we will be raffling off 2 seats in Jacks boat, this is a trip you
want be on. Please don’t forget that this is the time to elect Officers to
the board so please have someone in mind for President as this
position will be open, there are also a couple of seats on the
board that need to be filled.
As usual we will have our door prize raffles for some great
fishing gear, refreshments will be available and a good time to
be had by all, please bring a friend and join in, you will meet
some great people and learn from the best in the business. Hope
to see all of you at the meeting March 16th at 7:00pm at the
Keizer City Hall… Brian
Boat Trip Tickets with Jack Glass
February 2016 Newsletter
Hi All!
Well here it is time for all the news that is worth printing. The
fish count at Bennett Dam is really pitiful, there was only one
winter steelhead came across in January and so far this month there have been a few residual fish caught in the river, but nothing significant. Willamette Falls only shows
around 1550 steelhead so far this year, hopefully it will go up
very soon.
We have a lot of activities coming up this spring and summer
so don’t be afraid to volunteer we will be looking for your help.
Our speaker this month is Brandon Glass, and he will be
talking about Steelhead fishing and should have some good info
for all. We will be raffling off two seats on his boat.
We will have our standard raffles and refreshments so every
one bring a friend and a good fishing story. See you at the
meeting, Keep you line tight and/or powder dry. Brian & Bob
January 2016 Newsletter
Hi All!
Well it is that time again, winter is upon us and the weather is too cold to go fishing ( for me ) I know that some of you have been hard at it and I think that you are to be committed or should I say commended. There are fish in the river but I really haven’t heard of any being caught, maybe I will check around a little more.
I have an announcement for all of you, If you bought tickets from James at the meetings or at the Sportsman’s Warehouse, please bring your tickets with you to the meeting so they can be replaced, I have a list of the numbers that were lost ( which were all that were sold by James ) so bringer Alaska and Boat tickets to the meeting so we can replace them. you all deserve a chance to win even if the carelessness of one person is the cause of the disaster.
We are looking forward to this meeting, our speaker will be Cody Herman and it will be a great time, We will also be raffling off two seats on Cody’s boat so bring some extra cash, our regular door prizes will be there for the picking also and there will be refreshments remember we also have a clothing line and hats for sale, show your pride in your chapter and purchase some.
Our meetings is in the same place the Keizer City Hall on the 19th of January at 7:00pm so don’t forget, and bring friend or all your friends and get in on the activities.
I will announce a changing the Guard at the meting, for I am stepping down as your president because of health issues, but I am sure that Bob Lusk will take good care of you, I will still be around and probably have my hands in the mix from time to time, but I may not attend all the meetings, but I will try. Thanks for the ride it has been very educational and has been a pleasure serving you, keep up the good work and make the association proud of the Salem Steelheaders.
So in closing, keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian
December 2015 Newsletter
Rain, Rain go away all the fishermen want to play, probably not
much chance of that if your river is like mine, mine rose 5 feet
in 24 hours, I got to watch trees going down the river looking for
new resting places, hopefully not across the river.
Well here it is time for the annual Christmas Party and potluck,
this one is going to be great, we had a lot of people signup to
attend this Chapter function so there should be a big variety of
good food to eat. The Chapter is purchasing a couple of hams for
the festivities soda’s and water, all the utensils and plates and
cups will be provided, please bring your kids.
We will have the Alaska trip tickets and the Boat tickets on
sale if you have a mind to buy some, there will be a door prize
Christmas give away, no purchase necessary you will be given a
ticket when you arrive.
Sorry people at this time I still don’t know how our mystery
guest is going to be we are working on it.
Well must go for now so keep your line tightened your powder
dry, see you at the party Dec. 15 th Keizer city hall.
November 2015 Newsletter
Hi All!
Well here we are on the only day that it is not supposed to
rain, would rather go fishing but I need to rake leaves instead.The fish seem to be still running and the winter Steelhead are on the way so don’t put away your gear just yet.
Please remember that the Christmas Party is coming and the
sign up sheet will be at the meeting, make sure you sign up so
we have an exact count of attendees so we can buy the main
Our speaker this month is Nick Green of Green River
Adventures, he will be speaking on the upcoming winter
steelhead season that will start anytime but will really takeoff
after Thanksgiving, This Pro Guide does a lot of fishing on the
Nastucca, Wilson, Trask and the Siletz, so don’t stay home come
the meeting and try for a seat in Nicks’ boat tickets will be on
sale for $5.00 for one and $20.00 for five tickets, this will be
very informative for all fishermen, (bring a friend).
We will have Alaska Trip tickets and Drift Boat tickets on sale
also as well as our door prizes and refreshments, looking
forward to seeing you at the meeting.
remember keep your line tight and/or powder dry.
October 2015 Newsletter
Well here it is Sunday and still beautiful, the rain has moved on and the sky is clear, what a great day to be alive, looking out the window I see a covey official under the apple tree along with doves and assorted birds.
Moving on, it seem that the Chinook are on the run and the coho are starting up the rivers, everyone on Facebook is catching big salmon and having a ball. I hope you are getting your
Now is the time for all good members to come to the aid of their Chapter, our next meeting is on the 20th of October and we are having Pro fisherman and guide Kelly Short as our speaker, if you remember his last visit he filleted a giant salmon to the amazement of most of the audience and made it look so easy. Now he is back and he will have a lot of good things to teach us so we can go out and catch the big ones, we will also be raffling off two seats in Kelly’s boat, you don’t want to miss this chance to fish with one of the greats.
We will have refreshments and our normal door prizes and remember it is time for the big raffle tickets for the Alaska Trip and the Drift Boat, tickets will be on sale at the meeting, please bring a friend we want to have a good showing for Kelly.
I would also like to mention that the Hall of Fame banquet is coming up on November 14th and this year will be held in Wilsonville at the Holiday Inn, this usually starts around 4:00pm, dinner is at 6:00pm so come early and look around there are silent auctions of all kinds of things and then the big open auctions after dinner for all the fantastic trips and such that have been donated. We will be purchasing a table for 10 the cost to you is $25.00 the Chapter is picking up $30.00 for each seat, but we need to know now, so bring your answer to the meeting and let us know, checks or cash accepted and must be paid to Linda so the money can be accounted for.
Well keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian