November 2021 Newsletter

Salem Chapter NW Steelheaders—News Notice, 9 November 2021

We hope you are staying safe, well and catching fish.

The chapter.  The chapter board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, at Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster. You are welcome to attend. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments, please let us know.  This is your chapter and we need help and input from the members.

November General Meeting:  Our next general meeting will be on 16 November 2021 at the Keizer City Hall. Hopefully, we will not have more “COVID” restrictions from the State of Oregon.   

 Matt Halseth is the speaker for the evening and he will be talking about steelhead fishing in the coastal river systems and bays, peak run time, and productive water heights he has found in those rivers, and give you tips on gear to be used to catch steelhead.  As part of the door prizes, you will have the opportunity to win one of two seats in Matt’s boat to fish for Spring Chinook, Fall Chinook or Steelhead. See attached flyer.  
  1. We ask anyone attending who is not vaccinated to PLEASE wear a mask. From the Oregon Health Authority: On Aug. 24, Governor Kate Brown announced a new rule that will require people in Oregon to mask in most public outdoor settings — regardless of vaccination status — where physical distancing is not possible.
  2.  We will provide several types of pizza, soft drinks, paper plates, and table settings.

4. For the pizza dinner we will need to ask for members to respond with an “RSVP” to get a count we can expect and have enough for everyone to eat, at [email protected], or 503-507-1424 please leave a message, or online at our web page: There will be no charge to the members; we are using this event to have folks reinstate their membership at the current rate of $30.00 a year. “Past due” payments will not have to be made up.
 5. Part of the program will be:
       a. Find a new President, and a new Secretary. The current office holders will not continue in office after December 2021.
      b. Continuing the chapter if new officers are not found.
      c.  Activities for the year 2022.

Chapter Membership: At one time our chapter had over 60 paid up memberships. The June-July 2021 report show that we have 23 paid members, 20 members are past due in 2021 and 17 past due in 2020. We thank the 8 members who renewed at the last meeting.
 The Chapter Board has decided “The future of this chapter is in question.
In support of the NWSH Association, and to continue the chapter and chapter activities, by the first of next year 2022, we need members to step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  We are asking for some volunteers to step forward and fill the offices. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you.  
Bring their dues of $30.00 a year up to date, Past due” payments will not have to be made up “.
 Step up and take the offices of the President, Vice-president, Secretary and board members, and bring in new members. If the goals are not met the Salem Chapter may dissolve in accordance with Chapter and Assn. By-Laws at the end of this year.  Your membership in the Association will be moved to “Member At Large” unless you specify otherwise and select a chapter.” 

The NWSH Assn. Is holding a “Virtual Auction on 8-12 November 2021. BIDDING IS OPEN! From today until Nov. 12 at 7:00pm, you can bid on items and trips in our virtual auction to support recreation opportunities. Our virtual auction gives you the chance to bid on cutting edge gear and once-in-a-lifetime trips donated by local small businesses and local craftsmen in our community dedicated to conservation! Right now, we’re living under extraordinary circumstances. Despite the challenges the past year and a half have brought us all, the sport fishing community is resilient. That is why we’re working tirelessly to increase fishing access and habitat restoration for our at-risk salmon and steelhead populations. With all of your help, Northwest runs will bounce back to numbers that foster flourishing populations and vibrant recreation opportunities.  The NWSH Assn. has additional information on the facebook page: › salemnwsteelheaders and web

Membership Reports:
   The Association has lost an employee who was processing membership tasks. To update and maintain an almost accurate listing of our chapter membership and send renewal notices, we are asking that you send your renewal to our chapter treasurer at: N.W. Steelheaders, Salem, P.O. Box 3314, Salem, OR 97302.
Make checks and money orders payable to: Association of Northwest Steelheaders. 
The chapter treasurer will record your payment and forward the check to the association as required by the Association Bylaws. If you pay by automated deduction from your bank account or wish to pay directly to the Association do not change it, we will find out you have paid, eventually.  Annual membership is $30.00. If you are past due you do not have to make up for past due. The Assn. does have several payment plans.    Do you have a better Idea? Please let us know. It is time for chapter members to step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  We are asking for some volunteers to step forward and fill the offices. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you.

Respectfully submitted, Bob Johnston Chapter Sec.

October 2021 Newsletter

Salem Chapter NW Steelheaders—News Notice 11 October 2021

We hope you are staying safe, well and catching fish.

The chapter. At the board meetings, we are planning to hold a general meeting on 19 October 2021. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments, please let us know.  This is your chapter and we need help and input from the members.

October General Meeting:  Our next general meeting will be on 19 October 2021 at the Keizer City Hall. Hopefully, we will not have more “COVID” restrictions from the State of Oregon.
  1. We ask anyone attending who is not vaccinated to PLEASE wear a mask. From the Oregon Health Authority: On Aug. 24, Governor Kate Brown announced a new rule that will require people in Oregon to mask in most public outdoor settings — regardless of vaccination status — where physical distancing is not possible. The rule will go into effect Friday, Aug. 27. Masks, face coverings or face shields are required in all indoor spaces.
  2.  We will provide several types of pizza, salad, soft drinks, paper plates, and table settings.
  3. Each attendee will receive a free ticket for one of the five [5] prizes that will be given away in a drawing.
  4. We will need to ask for members to respond with an “RSVP” to get a count we can expect and have enough for everyone to eat, at [email protected], or 503-507-1424 please leave a message, or online at our facebook and at our web page: https://salemnwsteelheaders.corg/ It is time for chapter members to step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  We are asking for some volunteers to step forward and fill the offices. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you.
         There will be no charge to the members, we are using this event to have folks reinstate their membership at the current rate of $30.00 a year. “Past due” payments will not have to be made up.
 5. We are scheduled to have two representatives from Berkley fishing gear. Part of their presentation is they will bring a machine that will test your knot tying capabilities while others watch to see how your knot did.
 6. Part of the program will be:
       a. Find a new President, and a new Secretary. The current office holders will not continue in office after December 2021.
      b. Continuing the chapter if new officers are not found.
      c.  Activities for the year 2022.

Chapter Membership: At one time our chapter had over 60 paid up memberships. The June-July 2021 report show that we have 19 paid members, 22 members are past due in 2021 and 19 past due in 2020.
 The Chapter Board has decided “The future of this chapter is in question.
In support of the NWSH Association, and to continue the chapter and chapter activities, by the first of next year 2022 we need members to:
Bring their dues of $30.00 a year up to date, Past due” payments will not have to be made up “]
 Step up and take the offices of the President, Vice-president, Secretary and board members, and bring in new members.
If the goals are not met the Salem Chapter may dissolve in accordance with Chapter and Assn. By-Laws at the end of this year.  Your membership in the Association will be moved to “Member At Large” unless you specify otherwise and select a chapter.” 

The NWSH Assn. Is organizing a “Save Salmon Derby” on August 27-28.  They are requesting the chapters to organize a three-person teams to fish and members who volunteers.  Please let the Assn. know if you can volunteer for our event.  The Dinner is Friday prior to the Derby on Saturday – fishing the Columbia and Willamette Rivers.  More information to come. There will be some nice prizes awarded at the dinner. One trip for two persons, 1 day trip in Homer, AK., with DK charters. $500.00 value.  The NWSH Assn. has additional information on the facebook page: › salemnwsteelheaders and web

Membership Reports:
   The Association has lost an employee who was processing membership tasks. To update and maintain an almost accurate listing of our chapter membership and send renewal notices, we are asking that you send your renewal to our chapter treasurer at: N.W. Steelheaders, Salem, P.O. Box 3314, Salem, OR 97302.
Make checks and money orders payable to: Association of Northwest Steelheaders. 
The chapter treasurer will record your payment and forward the check to the association as required by the Association Bylaws. If you pay by automated deduction from your bank account or wish to pay directly to the Association do not change it, we will find out you have paid, eventually.  Annual membership is $30.00. If you are past due you do not have to make up for past due. The Assn. does have several payment plans.    Do you have a better Idea? Please let us know.

It is time for chapter members to step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  We are asking for some volunteers to step forward and fill the offices. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you

Respectfully submitted,
Bob Johnston, Chapter Secretary

September 2021 News Notice

Salem Chapter NW Steelheaders—News Notice

My last “News Notice” to you was about our September 2021 meeting and plans for a “Pizza dinner” to restart the chapter activities.
The Salem Chapter Board of Directors has agreed that we should postpone that meeting. Our concern is:
The virility of the COVID 19 and what it has morphed into is of concern.
The limited number of hospital beds and staff to care for patients contracting the disease and the average age of our members.
The Oregon Health Authorities at the governor’s direction has reinstated the mask requirement.
The Keizer City Hall and Community Center is requesting that persons entering the building wear masks. 

We still plan to “Restart” our chapter at a later date. Please check your E-mail, and visit our chapter web page: .   

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website:

The Association has news, information and a list of activities for events you may want to participate in. You can visit them at:  .

Salem Chapter leaders.  If our chapter is remaining active, we need some help from the membership. President Rod Ratzlaff will not continue as chapter president after the first of the year. 
Bob Johnston will not continue as chapter secretary after the first of the year.
The office of Vice President has been vacant and needs to be filled. 
Members of the board of Directors have done an excellent job and has been very generous with their time. Board members speak for themselves; we can always use new members, new ideas for the board.  It is time for chapter members to step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation. 
We are asking for some volunteers to step forward and fill the offices. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you.

Respectfully submitted,
Bob Johnston, Chapter Secretary

August 2021 Newsletter

Salem Chapter NW Steelheaders—News Notice

The First Annual Fishing Gear Swap Meet sponsored by the Albany Chapter of Northwest Steelheaders, that was to be held on 18 August 2021, 10 am to 6 pm at Bryant Park, in Albany, has been canceled. It may be rescheduled at a later date.

We hope you are staying safe, well and catching fish.

Note: From the board meeting we planned to resume our activities starting in September without restrictions. It should be noted that in the last day or two the Oregon government has put new restrictions on us, so things may change again, but I want to let you know what we are planning and hopefully you will be able to participate.

The chapter. At the board meeting in August, we planned to get things restarted. We will hopefully, hold a general meeting on 21 September 2021. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments, please let us know.  This is your chapter and we need help and input from the members.

September General Meeting:  Our next general meeting will be on 21 September2021 at the Keizer City Hall. Hopefully, we will not have more “COVID” restrictions from the State of Oregon.
  1. We ask any one attending who is not vaccinated to PLEASE wear a mask.
  2.  We will provide several types of pizza, salad, soft drinks, paper plates, and table settings.
  3. Each attendee will receive a free ticket for one of the five [5] prizes that will be given away in a drawing.
  4. We will need to ask for members to respond with an “RSVP” to get a number we can expect and have enough for everyone to eat.
There will be no charge to the members, but hopefully, we can use this event to have folks reinstate their membership at the current rate of $30.00 a year. “Past due” payments will not have to be made up.
 5. We are scheduled to have two representatives from Berkley fishing gear. Part of their presentation is they will bring a machine that will test your knot tying capabilities while others watch to see how your knot did.
 6. Part of the program will be:
       a. Find a new President, and a new Secretary. The current office holders will not continue in office after December 2021.
      b. Continuing the chapter if new officers are not found.
      c.  Activities for the year 2022.

We will have a board meeting in September 1st to finalize this program, and lay out our plans for October, November and the December Christmas Pot Luck dinner.  

The Northwest Sportfishing Industry Assn. is sponsoring “Buoy 10 Salmon Challenge” to be held on 20 August 2021 in Astoria Oregon. Web page:  The NWSH Assn. has been asked to find volunteers to help for the entire event-set up, it will take most of the day Thursday then the event on Friday.  If you can only do one of those days that’s OK. They were able rent a house for Thursday night only if they need a place to stay. The fairgrounds does have a hook up if they have their own rig, bathrooms and showers. Contact Tanya at NSIA for further details.  The NWSH Assn. has additional information on the facebook page: facebook: @northweststeelheaders and web page:

The NWSH Assn. Is organizing a “Save Salmon Derby” on August 27-28.  They are requesting the chapters to organize a three-person teams to fish and members who volunteers.  Please let the Assn. know if you can volunteer for our event.  The Dinner is Friday prior to the Derby on Saturday – fishing the Columbia and Willamette Rivers.  More information to come. There will be some nice prizes awarded at the dinner. One trip for two persons, 1 day trip in Homer, AK., with DK charters. $500.00 value.  The NWSH Assn. has additional information on the facebook page: facebook: @northweststeelheaders and web page:

Membership Reports:
  The Association has lost an employee who was processing membership tasks. To update and maintain an almost accurate listing of our chapter membership and send renewal notices, we are asking that you send your renewal to our chapter treasurer at: N.W. Steelheaders, Salem, P.O. Box 3314, Salem, OR 97302.
Make checks and money orders payable to: Association of Northwest Steelheaders. 
The chapter treasurer will record your payment and forward the check to the association as required by the Association Bylaws. If you pay by automated deduction from your bank account or wish to pay directly to the Association do not change it, we will find out you have paid, eventually.  Annual membership is $30.00. If you are past due you do not have to make up for past due. The Assn. does have several payment plans.    Do you have a better Idea? Please let us know.

Salem Chapter leaders.  If our chapter is remaining active, we need some help from the membership.
President Rod Ratzlaff will not continue as chapter president after the first of the year. 
Bob Johnston will not continue as chapter secretary after the first of the year.

The office of Vice President has been vacant and needs to be filled.  
Members of the board of Directors have done an excellent job and been very generous with their time. Board members speak for themselves; we can always use new members on the board.
It is time for chapter members to step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  We are asking for some volunteers to step forward and fill the offices. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you

Respectfully submitted,
Bob Johnston, Chapter Secretary

May 2021 Newsletter

Salem Chapter NW Steelheaders.  News Notice

We hope you are doing well and maybe catching a few fish.

Sorry, this is “short fused” but if you would like to get out and about, the Santiam River Guides has extended an invitation to join in for a clean up of the Santiam State Park on 8 May 2021 at 9:00 am to whenever we are done. This is the only chapter Civic Action assist for this year. [ so far].
The park was heavily damaged during the fire. There is a lot of work to do to reopen the park and boat ramp.  Bring: mask, lunch, rain gear if rain, shovel, rake, your favorite pruning shears (brush cutter). The park will furnish wheelbarrows, rock & dirt. Arne Dahl plans to bring equipment to help move rock & dirt. If you have some power equipment, please bring it.
TASKS: clear trails through camp spots, cut over hanging brush on trails, fill burned out tree stump holes with rock, cover with dirt, and clean out camp spots.

Note from the Salem Chapter Board meeting last evening:
If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments, please let us know.  This is your chapter and we need help and input from the members.

The chapter will remain inactive until September 2021. We will have a board meeting in August to get things restarted. Do you have a better idea?

The Association has lost an employee who was processing membership tasks.
To update and maintain an almost accurate listing of our chapter membership and send renewal notices, we are asking that you send your renewal to our chapter treasurer at: N.W. Steelheaders, Salem, P.O. Box 3314, Salem, OR 97302.
Make checks and money orders payable to: Association of Northwest Steelheaders.  
The chapter treasurer will record your payment and forward the check to the association as required by the Association Bylaws. If you pay by automated deduction from your bank account or wish to pay directly to the Association do not change it, we will find out you have paid, eventually.  Annual membership is $30.00. If you are past due you do not have to make up for past due. The Assn. dose have several payment plans.    Do you have a better Idea?

The chapter membership is continuing to decline and it is difficult to recruit new and renewing current members.  The Association has some activities ongoing and information can be found on their web page at:
or facebook: @northweststeelheaders . We hope to send renewal notices to the chapter membership soon.  

Annual Finn Clipping Party at Rhodes Pond on 19 June 2021 at 9:00 am at Rhodes Pond Highway 22, 5 and ½ miles east of Hebo Oregon. Contact Dave Booth for more details at 503-398-5553.

Salem Chapter leaders.  If our chapter is remaining active, we need some help form the membership. Talking with President Rod Ratzlaff he does not want to continue as chapter president and just may not do it.  I do not plan to continue as chapter secretary. Members of the board of Directors have done an excellent job and been very generous with their time. I will let the board members speak for themselves, we can always use new members on the board. It is time for someone the step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  So, we are asking for some volunteers to do that. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you

Respectfully submitted
Bob Johnston Chapter Secretary 

March 2021 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for March 2021.

We hope you are doing well: if you’ve got the COVID-19 virus, hope you are well enough to do some fishing and are catching the big ones.

Salem Chapter leaders.  If our chapter is remaining active, we need help form the membership. Talking with President Rod Ratzlaff he does not want to continue as chapter president and just may not do it.  I do not plan to continue as chapter secretary. Members of the board of Directors have done an excellent job and been very generous with their time. I will let the board members speak for themselves, we can always use new members on the board. It is time for someone the step up and give this chapter some new direction and motivation.  So, we are asking for some volunteers to do that. While we remain closed, we are losing membership.
 Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you.

Learn the River Trip 2021 North Santiam River. The North Santiam River Guides has extended an invention to the Salem, Albany and other chapters of the Northwest Steelheaders to join them in the first Learn the River Trip on the North Santiam River 2021, if weather and river conditions allow.

“We have scheduled a LTR April 3, dependent upon weather and water conditions: 
Stayton to Greens Bridge:  Cast-off Stayton ramp 10:00 AM / optional take-out Shelburne is also known as Buell Miller Boat Ramp. Stayton to Shelburne is clear.  Shelburne to Green Bridge is questionable. We will include this stretch of the river if Jon Beilstein or Bob Lusk get a chance to do a reconnaissance trip. A decision will be made by April 1 or 2 and posted on our website or sent by email. Contact Bob Lusk if you would like to be added to the list so we can plan for shuttle if needed.” 
Phone 503-859-2880. Note: E-mail: [email protected]

Bob L. is a shuttle driver and takes reservations at that number. Leave a message and he will get back to youHe can give directions to the Shelburne and Greens Bridge boat ramps. Strongly recommend you look the boat ramps up on a map and write down the directions.
If you want to do your own shuttle that will be helpful. I will leave Greens Bridge at 9:30 a.m. and if necessary, stop at Shelburne, then on to Stayton boat ramp and in the water by 10:00.
If it is unsafe to go from Shelburne to Greens Bridge, I will leave Shelburne at 9:30 for Stayton boat ramp. Boaters will need to sign some paperwork and attend the safety lecture.
Recommend you check the pressure in your trailer tires, grease your hubs, check your life vest, find your whistle, plug for the boat and have at least 50 feet of rope in your boat.
Recommend you check the weather report to have the correct gear on or with you. Lunch, fluids to drink, full charge on your phone and a camera are suggested.

There should be some open seats in some of the boats.
Bob Lusk will coordinate the open seats so please contact him if you want to go.
Fishing gear if you wish, this is a rowing and navigation trip and it is desired that folks stay together so we do not loose anyone.

Raffles vs Drawings vs Door Prizes AssnI received this notice form the Association:
Our Angling for Advocacy trip raffle raised over the IRS limit for raffle fundraising without a specific license, which we did not yet renew for 2021. Because chapters are under the umbrella of the Association’s 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, you must put a hold on any raffles your chapter is planning on hosting until we get the license sorted out. Door prizes are still allowed. 

New fishing limit at Detroit Reservoir: New [?] for 2020, the bag limit for Detroit Reservoir is 5 kokanee per day in addition to the daily trout limit of 5 trout. That means anglers can now keep a total of 10 fish daily—only 5 can be rainbow trout though all 10 can be kokanee. (Kokanee are defined as trout in most cases including Detroit Reservoir, see the regulations for exceptions).


The Salem Chapter Zoom meetings. This program could work for us if someone would step up and take the project for action. The Zoom meetings with a guest speaker could put us in contact with our membership [which is declining] be informative on chapter and Assn. activities and hopefully generate new members for us.
The Assn. is ready to help guide anyone to get the Zoom meetings up and running. So, we are asking for some volunteers to do that. Please contact President Rod Ratzlaff at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], thank you.

Submitted:                                                   Approved:
Bob Johnston                                               Rod Ratzlaff
Chapter Secretary                                         Chapter President

December 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for December 2020

On behalf of President Rod Ratzlaff and members of the Board of Directors, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; please be safe and stay well.

We hope you all are doing well; if you’ve got the COVID-19 Virus, hope you are getting better. If you are well enough, I hope you are getting some fishing and catching the big ones.

Monday December 7 is Remember Pearl Harbor Day: Please let’s break out “Old Glory” and fly her high and proudly. Thank You.

The chapter meetings and activities: All are canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. The chapter Board of Directors were polled and after some discussion, it was decided it would be best to cancel our chapter activities until after the first of the year. The average age of our members is over 55. Our speakers do not want to make a presentation to a small group of 8-10 members so it is not worth their time and expense to come to Salem. I will continue to update you through this newsletter. The Board of Directors will meet when it is safe to plan activities for the spring and summer. If you have any suggestions, please contact a board member.

Chapter Presidents Corner: Rod Ratzlaff has assumed the duties of the office of President. If any member would like to step up and become the President of the Salem Chapter, please step forward and let us know. We also need someone to fill the office of secretary. Please.

The taking of your rights: A land owner in the Three Rivers {Hebo} area has/may be initiating a challenge to the Oregon River Access law as it pertains to the river that flows through his property. The Association plans to be joining with other sporting organizations to oppose any changes to the Oregon law as it is now written.

The ODFW Web Page: ( https:[email protected] ) Recreation Report will give you information on events that may be of interest to you. ODFW web page: also has information you may want to check out. You can sign up for news releases from ODFW at:

NWSH Association News Letter: The Assn. newsletter has grown to several pages of information. I cannot reproduce it here or make copies for members who do not have email. It has a lot of good information and activities in it. You can find it on line at:

NWSH Association Membership drive: The association has initiated a membership drive to bring in new members and also to try to reach out to members who let their memberships expire in hopes they will rejoin. We will initiate a calling program when we have some activities to offer at our meetings. Hopefully, the chapter will gain members, contact with folks who may be unhappy with us, or give us input on how we can improve. When the Assn. canceled the Boat and Raffle ticket sales, the chapter does not have much income. Donations are welcome. Some changes to memberships:
Sustaining Membership $5 or $10 per month Sustainers are crucial to providing an ongoing base of community support that we can rely on, so you can continue to rely on us. Each month, we will charge your credit or debit card the amount that you specify. Your Sustaining Membership will automatically continue unless you choose to cancel or change it.
Annual Membership: $30 per year Our Annual Membership is our most popular membership option, and for good reason! Whether you’re new to Northwest Steelheaders or a long-time member, our Annual Membership is an affordable, consistent way to contribute to our legacy of conservation advocacy and fishing education work.
Lifetime Membership $500 one time or $100 in 5 installments Lifetime Members are essential to our community. They contribute a disproportionate amount of support to make certain that Northwest Steelheaders has the capacity to address the issues that the wider sportfishing community cares about. The Assn. office had assured me that they are sending out notices of when your dues need to be paid.
The last listing I have lists your expiration date as:

Please give me your feedback. Thank you. Bob J.

Boat Ramps in Oregon: I found this link at the Marine Board web page: It shows the boat ramps in Oregon, and where you can get information if it is open. They state the information in areas affected by the recent fires may not be up to date but they do give you contact numbers to check.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line. ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website:

Article for the Newsletter: If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected]. No phone text please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Sorry about the small print, but I saved ink and a several pages of paper by using it.

Submitted:                                                Approved:
Bob Johnston                                            Rod Ratzlaff
Secretary                                                   President


July 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for July 2020                 13 July 2020

We hope you all are doing well; if you got the bug, hope you are getting better. If you are well enough, I hope you are getting some fishing and catching the big ones.

The chapter meetings and activities:   Are canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. The chapter Board of Directors met on 3 June 2020. After some lengthy discussion, the board decided it would be best to cancel our chapter activities until September. The Board of Directors will meet on 5 August, and on 2 September to plan activities for the fall and winter.  If you have any suggestions, please contact a board member. 

Chapter Presidents Corner:  Vice President Rod Ratzlaff has assumed the duties of the office of President. If any member would like to step up and become the president of the Salem Chapter, please let us know.  We also need someone to fill the office of secretary, please.

ODFW Announces: From the ODFW, F&W Commission meeting:
“The budget does not include any fee increases on sport or commercial licenses in this budget cycle. While 2021 would typically be a year to raise fees to take effect in 2022 (because the department adjusts fees every six years), ODFW is pleased to be in a position to delay this and not request any fee increase for hunters, anglers or commercial fishermen until 2024 at the earliest. The budget will now go to the Governor and then the 2021 Legislature for final approval.”

North Santiam Watershed Council and Marion SWCD: Invasive Water Primrose on the North Santiam River.  We want to bring your attention to an aggressive, invasive, aquatic plant called water primrose (Ludwigia hexapetala or peploides).  This plant was discovered in late 2018 in the North Santiam watershed. The North Santiam Watershed Council (NSWC) is working in partnership with the Marion Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) on the second year of a project focused on treating and surveying for new infestations of water primrose between Lyons and Stayton. Treatments are taking place in John Neal County Park and Lyons City Park in Lyons, and in Alder Creek near Stayton.  A grant from the Oregon State Weed Board and matching funds from Marion SWCD and the City of Salem are covering the cost of treatment work along with surveys in 2020. To help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, we encourage you to CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY your watercraft and gear before moving to new waterways. Please report any sightings of this plant along the North Santiam River to the Oregon Invasive Hotline at For more information: [email protected] or  [email protected]

NWSH Association News Letter:  The publication is available at:   Note: At the association board meeting, I asked if the association newsletter, “hard copy,” was sent to the members without an e-mail address. I was told it was not due to monetary limitations. I cannot reproduce it for our non-email members, it is several pages. You can see it on facebook and that other place.  The association also has been working to support our local guides by raffling trips to battle economic stagnation. Some association newsletter articles you may find on line:  Renewable Energy and Barging Industries Have Changed the Lower Snake River dams no longer serve a clear purpose By Betsy Emery, Organizer and Outreach Coordinator and Alix Soliman, Operations Manager.  Note: I asked the Assn. President why the Assn. is spending so much money and resources on this project. His response:
Bob, I can understand that your members are wondering why we are spending so much effort on the Snake River.  A main reason is NWF has issued us a large grant of $78K which helps us financially and we have been working on this issue for many years.   If we could restore the lower Snake it would be great for all fisheries.
Migration Through the Eyes of a Salmon  By Dominic Triolo, Intern.
Mid-Valley Chapter Assists ODFW Project to Facilitate Visitor Engagement at Local Fishing Ponds, and much more.

NWSH Association Membership: The association has a problem getting the membership entries done in a timely manner, but is working on it. Unfortunately, the employees are not full time so it will take time. Your best method to contact the Operations Manager is by e-mail, and then phone. I am assured she will make every effort to get to everyone. Point of Contact: [email protected] , (630) 608-7117.

NWSH Association Membership drive:  The association has initiated a membership drive to bring in new members and also to try to reach out to members who let their memberships expire in hopes they will rejoin. The Assn. has asked the chapters to contact by phone all members and especially members who are listed as past due, i.e.: make contact, talk about fishing, ask what we can do to get them to renew, catch up, or reinstate their membership. They have provided suggested talking points and what we can do to make the chapter more appealing.

NWSH Association Lobbyist: Bob Olson: The state will be working on another special session in August. This one will be to address a budget for the next few years and how the state will cover shortfalls due to the C-19 Virus effecting income. There will be new members in the legislature and chapter members should contact them and address issues of interest, especially fishing. Chapters should identify members who are willing to do this, and if it is a person from that district, the legislator will be more interested in what his constituents have to say and give more time.  Funding for ODFW and fishing will be debated.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website:

Article for the Newsletter:  If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected].  No phone text please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Sorry about the small print, but I saved ink and a several pages of paper by using it.

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Rod Ratzlaff
Sec. Ret.                                                                                         Vice President

June 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for June 2020

We hope you all are doing well; if you got the bug, hope you are getting better. If you are well enough, I hope you are getting some fishing and catching the big ones.

Sunday, June 14 is “Flag Day” so let’s break out “Old Glory” and fly her high and proudly. Thank You.  

The chapter meetings and activities:   Are canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. The chapter Board of Directors met on 3 June 2020. After some lengthy discussion, the board decided it would be best to cancel our chapter activities until September. The average age of our members is over 55. Our speakers do not want to make a presentation to a small group of 8-10 members so it is not worth their time and expense to come to Salem. We would have to rent a larger room and space seating and to be in compliance with the guidance from the state medical department. I will continue to update you through this newsletter. The Board of Directors will meet in August, and on the 2Nd of September to plan activities for the fall and winter.  If you have any suggestions, please contact a board member.  

Chapter Presidents Corner:  Vice President Rod Ratzlaff has assumed the duties of the office of President. If any member would like to step up and become the President of the Salem Chapter, please step forward and let us know.  We also need someone to fill the office of secretary. Please.

The taking of your rights: As a Sportsman you may be interested to find someone is trying to limit/ take away your trapping privileges, whether you use them or not.  The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Commission will be meeting this Friday. On their agenda, is a ban on beaver trapping:  and    The petition is brought by the usual anti-hunting groups: Cascadia Wildlands, The Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Protection Information Center, Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands, and Oregon Wild. The hearing is on Friday, August 3 beginning at 8 am in Salem.

The ODFW Family Fishing Days, Youth Outdoor Day, and all other events which involve getting groups together have been canceled. If they are rescheduled, we will pass the information along to you.  ODFW web page: has information you may want to check out. You can sign up for news releases from ODFW at: .  You state tax dollars at work for you.

NWSH Association News Letter:  I had a talk with the operations manager at the office. I asked if the association newsletter, “hard copy,” was sent to the members without an e-mail address. I was told it was not. I explained that I tried to copy and paste it into an e-mail so I could forward it to our members without e-mail addresses and I could only copy one half of it. I was informed that the association, in an effort to save monies, are not sending out hard copies to members. I stated that they are missing lots of the members. This item will be addressed at the next NWSH Association board meeting. You can find it on line at:

NWSH Association Membership: The association has a problem getting the membership entries done in a timely manner, but is working on it. Unfortunately, the employees are not full time so it will take time. Your best method to contact the Operations Manager is by e-mail, and then phone. I am assured she will make every effort to get to everyone. Point of Contact: [email protected] , (630) 608-7117.

NWSH Association Membership drive:  The association has initiated a membership drive to bring in new members and also to try to reach out to members who let their memberships expire in hopes they will rejoin.
They have asked the chapters to contact by phone all members and especially members who are listed as past due, i.e.: make contact, talk about fishing, ask what we can do to get them to renew, catch up, or reinstate their membership. They have provided a suggested talking points and what we can do to make the chapter more appealing. That would be good.
We have on the listing 164 members, 7 are life members, leaving 157 members current, expiring, and past due, back to 2017. I suggested to the chapter board that we could reduce that number by surveying members back through November 2018. That would give us 113 current, past members to contact. If we contact only members who are due, and past due, it would give us 89 members to survey.
How can we do that?  You folks have stepped up and helped us with the raffle ticket sales. So, I am asking that if you are willing to be on or in charge/coordinator of a calling committee please contact me, via 1. e-mail @ [email protected] or 2. call 503-507-1423; no answer please leave message. NO text please, it does not work on my inexpensive Trac phone. It may take a while to get this organized, but the more of you that are willing to help, the less each individual will have to call.
The chapter will gain: members, contact with folks who may be unhappy with us, input on how we can improve. I am working on restarting this payment to the chapter for each renewal or membership we can generate. When the Assn. canceled the Boat and Raffle ticket sales, the chapter does not have much income. Donations are welcome.  Please give me your feedback. Thank you. Bob J.

Boat Ramps in Oregon:  I found this link at the Marine Board web page:  It shows the boat ramps in Oregon, and where you can get information if it is open. Blue.
It also shows some that are closed like “Big Cliff”, but usable if you can carry in a craft. Red.
You may find out if the ramp is open, and maybe some new ones to try.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website:

Article for the Newsletter:  If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected].  No phone text please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Sorry about the small print, but I saved ink and a several pages of paper by using it.

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Rod Ratzlaff
Sec. Ret.                                                                                         Vice President

May 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for May 2020

​We hope you all are doing well, if you got the bug, hope you are getting better.  Trout season in the Santiam River opens on 22 May. I hope. Detroit Lake boat ramps are open, [see note below], some good fishing has been reported.

The chapter meeting for May   is canceled due to the COVID-19 virus, and the closing of the Keizer City Hall.  We hope to have the Kokanee Kid, our April speaker, at another date.

Chapter Presidents Corner:  This is difficult:  Dr. Eric Foley, PhD and fisherman extraordinar, has been our president for the last year or so. He has led the chapter with innovative ideas, brought in speakers of many interests, and kept the chapter on track.
Unfortunately, the college where Eric F. is employed has eliminated his job. Eric’s family resides in Missouri so he will be returning home next week.  He will be missed very much.

Eric extends a Thank You to all the membership for their interest and support of the Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders.   We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Vice President Rod Ratzlaff will assume the duties of the office of President.
If any member would like to step up and become the President of the Salem Chapter, please step forward and let us know.  We also need someone to fill the office of Secretary.

The June meeting with Dave Calhoun, of North West Rods, formally of Fishing the N.W.  He is our prospective speaker as the meeting is still pending. We will let you know as soon as we can.
The board of directors are discussing of trying to do this using Zoom.  If you do not have Zoom downloaded, please check it out on “You tube” for instructions on getting and using the program. Installing and using this format is not difficult.
Using Zoom is relatively easy right now as long as you are able to download the file to your computer or portable device. (Tablet or smartphone)  I will drop the directions for how to do this below if it may be of interest to you.  I have even used it to keep in contact with family members that I couldn’t see before. 
Note: This is not mandatory. This is just a potential tool in your toolbox for staying engaged during these odd and uncertain times.
Download Zoom on your computer here (use the first download button):
You can download Zoom on your phone as well, just search for it in the app store. Note: you can use cellular data on a Zoom call (meaning you don’t need wifi), but it may use quite a bit of data. 
1. Watch this video to learn how to join a Zoom meeting. You can listen on the phone also.  

The ODFW Family Fishing Days, Youth Outdoor Day, and all other events which involve getting groups together have been canceled. If they are rescheduled, we will pass the information along to you.

The chapter picnic: is still in the planning stage. With the City of Salem housing the homeless at Gateway park temporarily, we may need to find another place in the Salem Keizer area. If you have any suggestions please let a board member know ASAP.

Membership is the life of the chapter:   Without members and their support, we would not have a chapter. We have received a new listing from the association for the month of March. We have some new members and a few others have paid their “Past Due” bills.  We have more past due members than paid up members. I agree that notification of renewal date from the association has not been timely. “SO,” If you have a question about your membership please contact the association office or E-mail me at [email protected] and I will give you an update or a call.  Note:  I want to get this out to you and to do it individually, like last month, but it will take too long. No phone text please.  Thank You.

Boat Ramps in Oregon:  I found this link at the Marine Board web page:  It shows the boat ramps in Oregon, and where you can get information if it is open. Blue.
It also shows some that are closed like “Big Cliff”, but usable if you can carry in a craft. Red.
You may find out if the ramp is open, and maybe some new ones to try.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website:

Article for the Newsletter:  If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected].  No phone text please.

Chapter Secretary:   The chapter needs someone to step forward and take this office for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.  Please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership. 

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Rod Ratzlaff
Sec. Ret.                                                                                         Vice President