July 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for July 2020                 13 July 2020

We hope you all are doing well; if you got the bug, hope you are getting better. If you are well enough, I hope you are getting some fishing and catching the big ones.

The chapter meetings and activities:   Are canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. The chapter Board of Directors met on 3 June 2020. After some lengthy discussion, the board decided it would be best to cancel our chapter activities until September. The Board of Directors will meet on 5 August, and on 2 September to plan activities for the fall and winter.  If you have any suggestions, please contact a board member. 

Chapter Presidents Corner:  Vice President Rod Ratzlaff has assumed the duties of the office of President. If any member would like to step up and become the president of the Salem Chapter, please let us know.  We also need someone to fill the office of secretary, please.

ODFW Announces: From the ODFW, F&W Commission meeting:
“The budget does not include any fee increases on sport or commercial licenses in this budget cycle. While 2021 would typically be a year to raise fees to take effect in 2022 (because the department adjusts fees every six years), ODFW is pleased to be in a position to delay this and not request any fee increase for hunters, anglers or commercial fishermen until 2024 at the earliest. The budget will now go to the Governor and then the 2021 Legislature for final approval.”

North Santiam Watershed Council and Marion SWCD: Invasive Water Primrose on the North Santiam River.  We want to bring your attention to an aggressive, invasive, aquatic plant called water primrose (Ludwigia hexapetala or peploides).  This plant was discovered in late 2018 in the North Santiam watershed. The North Santiam Watershed Council (NSWC) is working in partnership with the Marion Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) on the second year of a project focused on treating and surveying for new infestations of water primrose between Lyons and Stayton. Treatments are taking place in John Neal County Park and Lyons City Park in Lyons, and in Alder Creek near Stayton.  A grant from the Oregon State Weed Board and matching funds from Marion SWCD and the City of Salem are covering the cost of treatment work along with surveys in 2020. To help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, we encourage you to CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY your watercraft and gear before moving to new waterways. Please report any sightings of this plant along the North Santiam River to the Oregon Invasive Hotline at https://oregoninvasiveshotline.org For more information: [email protected] or  [email protected]

NWSH Association News Letter:  The publication is available at: https://nwsteelheaders.org/blog/newsletter/.   Note: At the association board meeting, I asked if the association newsletter, “hard copy,” was sent to the members without an e-mail address. I was told it was not due to monetary limitations. I cannot reproduce it for our non-email members, it is several pages. You can see it on facebook and that other place.  The association also has been working to support our local guides by raffling trips to battle economic stagnation. Some association newsletter articles you may find on line:  Renewable Energy and Barging Industries Have Changed the Lower Snake River dams no longer serve a clear purpose By Betsy Emery, Organizer and Outreach Coordinator and Alix Soliman, Operations Manager.  Note: I asked the Assn. President why the Assn. is spending so much money and resources on this project. His response:
Bob, I can understand that your members are wondering why we are spending so much effort on the Snake River.  A main reason is NWF has issued us a large grant of $78K which helps us financially and we have been working on this issue for many years.   If we could restore the lower Snake it would be great for all fisheries.
Migration Through the Eyes of a Salmon  By Dominic Triolo, Intern.
Mid-Valley Chapter Assists ODFW Project to Facilitate Visitor Engagement at Local Fishing Ponds, and much more.

NWSH Association Membership: The association has a problem getting the membership entries done in a timely manner, but is working on it. Unfortunately, the employees are not full time so it will take time. Your best method to contact the Operations Manager is by e-mail, and then phone. I am assured she will make every effort to get to everyone. Point of Contact: [email protected] , (630) 608-7117.

NWSH Association Membership drive:  The association has initiated a membership drive to bring in new members and also to try to reach out to members who let their memberships expire in hopes they will rejoin. The Assn. has asked the chapters to contact by phone all members and especially members who are listed as past due, i.e.: make contact, talk about fishing, ask what we can do to get them to renew, catch up, or reinstate their membership. They have provided suggested talking points and what we can do to make the chapter more appealing.

NWSH Association Lobbyist: Bob Olson: The state will be working on another special session in August. This one will be to address a budget for the next few years and how the state will cover shortfalls due to the C-19 Virus effecting income. There will be new members in the legislature and chapter members should contact them and address issues of interest, especially fishing. Chapters should identify members who are willing to do this, and if it is a person from that district, the legislator will be more interested in what his constituents have to say and give more time.  Funding for ODFW and fishing will be debated.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/

Article for the Newsletter:  If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected].  No phone text please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Sorry about the small print, but I saved ink and a several pages of paper by using it.

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Rod Ratzlaff
Sec. Ret.                                                                                         Vice President

Women’s Fishing Program

Greetings chapter leaders,

We’re in the planning stages for the Women’s Program, which as many of you know, is a long time coming! Northwest Steelheaders is working to increase female representation in the fishing community in an effort to create a more equitable, inclusive, and strong society of anglers.  

What I need from you: please share this survey with women at your chapters to help gauge interest. (I’ve attached a PDF of the survey below if you have trouble with the link). We have already secured some funding to begin the program, so now I need to know how our members would like us to proceed.

I will also be including this survey in an email to our membership and in the July newsletter, so our bases will be covered. 

Program Objectives:

  • Support novice female anglers by offering events that provide knowledge, hands-on training, gear, and time on the water.

  • Support financially disadvantaged female anglers by offering full and half scholarships for these events.

  • Create a more equitable, inclusive, and strong society of anglers through the empowerment of female anglers. 

  • Build a group of dedicated female anglers that can share their skills and knowledge with each other and the next generation of female anglers. 

NOTE: This program is by women, for women – meaning all volunteers/instructors at clinics, fish-alongs, etc. must be women. We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and we welcome trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,

Alix Soliman

Operations Manager
Association of Northwest Steelheaders
(630) 608-7117


ODFW News July 2020

FYI, please pass on to your clubs.

From the ODFW news release on today’s F&W Commission meeting:

“The budget does not include any fee increases on sport or commercial licenses in this budget cycle. While 2021 would typically be a year to raise fees to take effect in 2022 (because the department adjusts fees every six years), ODFW is pleased to be in a position to delay this and not request any fee increase of hunters, anglers or commercial fishermen until 2024 at the earliest. The budget will now go to the Governor and then the 2021 Legislature for final approval.”

Karen M Hans

Salmon Trout Enhancement Biologist

Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife

7118 NE Vandenberg Ave

Corvallis OR 97330

June 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for June 2020

We hope you all are doing well; if you got the bug, hope you are getting better. If you are well enough, I hope you are getting some fishing and catching the big ones.

Sunday, June 14 is “Flag Day” so let’s break out “Old Glory” and fly her high and proudly. Thank You.  

The chapter meetings and activities:   Are canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. The chapter Board of Directors met on 3 June 2020. After some lengthy discussion, the board decided it would be best to cancel our chapter activities until September. The average age of our members is over 55. Our speakers do not want to make a presentation to a small group of 8-10 members so it is not worth their time and expense to come to Salem. We would have to rent a larger room and space seating and to be in compliance with the guidance from the state medical department. I will continue to update you through this newsletter. The Board of Directors will meet in August, and on the 2Nd of September to plan activities for the fall and winter.  If you have any suggestions, please contact a board member.  

Chapter Presidents Corner:  Vice President Rod Ratzlaff has assumed the duties of the office of President. If any member would like to step up and become the President of the Salem Chapter, please step forward and let us know.  We also need someone to fill the office of secretary. Please.

The taking of your rights: As a Sportsman you may be interested to find someone is trying to limit/ take away your trapping privileges, whether you use them or not.  The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Commission will be meeting this Friday. On their agenda, is a ban on beaver trapping: https://oregonoutdoorcouncil.org/odfw-commission-to-vote-on-trapping-ban/  and https://www.sportsmensalliance.org/news/act-now-oregon-game-commission-considering-beaver-trapping-ban/.    The petition is brought by the usual anti-hunting groups: Cascadia Wildlands, The Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Protection Information Center, Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands, and Oregon Wild. The hearing is on Friday, August 3 beginning at 8 am in Salem.

The ODFW Family Fishing Days, Youth Outdoor Day, and all other events which involve getting groups together have been canceled. If they are rescheduled, we will pass the information along to you.  ODFW web page: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/news/2020/ has information you may want to check out. You can sign up for news releases from ODFW at: https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/odfw-news .  You state tax dollars at work for you.

NWSH Association News Letter:  I had a talk with the operations manager at the office. I asked if the association newsletter, “hard copy,” was sent to the members without an e-mail address. I was told it was not. I explained that I tried to copy and paste it into an e-mail so I could forward it to our members without e-mail addresses and I could only copy one half of it. I was informed that the association, in an effort to save monies, are not sending out hard copies to members. I stated that they are missing lots of the members. This item will be addressed at the next NWSH Association board meeting. You can find it on line at: https://nwsteelheaders.org/blog/newsletter/

NWSH Association Membership: The association has a problem getting the membership entries done in a timely manner, but is working on it. Unfortunately, the employees are not full time so it will take time. Your best method to contact the Operations Manager is by e-mail, and then phone. I am assured she will make every effort to get to everyone. Point of Contact: [email protected] , (630) 608-7117.

NWSH Association Membership drive:  The association has initiated a membership drive to bring in new members and also to try to reach out to members who let their memberships expire in hopes they will rejoin.
They have asked the chapters to contact by phone all members and especially members who are listed as past due, i.e.: make contact, talk about fishing, ask what we can do to get them to renew, catch up, or reinstate their membership. They have provided a suggested talking points and what we can do to make the chapter more appealing. That would be good.
We have on the listing 164 members, 7 are life members, leaving 157 members current, expiring, and past due, back to 2017. I suggested to the chapter board that we could reduce that number by surveying members back through November 2018. That would give us 113 current, past members to contact. If we contact only members who are due, and past due, it would give us 89 members to survey.
How can we do that?  You folks have stepped up and helped us with the raffle ticket sales. So, I am asking that if you are willing to be on or in charge/coordinator of a calling committee please contact me, via 1. e-mail @ [email protected] or 2. call 503-507-1423; no answer please leave message. NO text please, it does not work on my inexpensive Trac phone. It may take a while to get this organized, but the more of you that are willing to help, the less each individual will have to call.
The chapter will gain: members, contact with folks who may be unhappy with us, input on how we can improve. I am working on restarting this payment to the chapter for each renewal or membership we can generate. When the Assn. canceled the Boat and Raffle ticket sales, the chapter does not have much income. Donations are welcome.  Please give me your feedback. Thank you. Bob J.

Boat Ramps in Oregon:  I found this link at the Marine Board web page: https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=841da68081294bb2a6b50f93b1a12f05  It shows the boat ramps in Oregon, and where you can get information if it is open. Blue.
It also shows some that are closed like “Big Cliff”, but usable if you can carry in a craft. Red.
You may find out if the ramp is open, and maybe some new ones to try.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/

Article for the Newsletter:  If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected].  No phone text please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Sorry about the small print, but I saved ink and a several pages of paper by using it.

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Rod Ratzlaff
Sec. Ret.                                                                                         Vice President

May 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders Newsletter for May 2020

​We hope you all are doing well, if you got the bug, hope you are getting better.  Trout season in the Santiam River opens on 22 May. I hope. Detroit Lake boat ramps are open, [see note below], some good fishing has been reported.

The chapter meeting for May   is canceled due to the COVID-19 virus, and the closing of the Keizer City Hall.  We hope to have the Kokanee Kid, our April speaker, at another date.

Chapter Presidents Corner:  This is difficult:  Dr. Eric Foley, PhD and fisherman extraordinar, has been our president for the last year or so. He has led the chapter with innovative ideas, brought in speakers of many interests, and kept the chapter on track.
Unfortunately, the college where Eric F. is employed has eliminated his job. Eric’s family resides in Missouri so he will be returning home next week.  He will be missed very much.

Eric extends a Thank You to all the membership for their interest and support of the Salem Chapter Northwest Steelheaders.   We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Vice President Rod Ratzlaff will assume the duties of the office of President.
If any member would like to step up and become the President of the Salem Chapter, please step forward and let us know.  We also need someone to fill the office of Secretary.

The June meeting with Dave Calhoun, of North West Rods, formally of Fishing the N.W.  He is our prospective speaker as the meeting is still pending. We will let you know as soon as we can.
The board of directors are discussing of trying to do this using Zoom.  If you do not have Zoom downloaded, please check it out on “You tube” for instructions on getting and using the program. Installing and using this format is not difficult.
Using Zoom is relatively easy right now as long as you are able to download the file to your computer or portable device. (Tablet or smartphone)  I will drop the directions for how to do this below if it may be of interest to you.  I have even used it to keep in contact with family members that I couldn’t see before. 
Note: This is not mandatory. This is just a potential tool in your toolbox for staying engaged during these odd and uncertain times.
Download Zoom on your computer here (use the first download button): https://zoom.us/download
You can download Zoom on your phone as well, just search for it in the app store. Note: you can use cellular data on a Zoom call (meaning you don’t need wifi), but it may use quite a bit of data. 
1. Watch this video to learn how to join a Zoom meeting. You can listen on the phone also. https://www.youtube.com/embed/hIkCmbvAHQQ?rel=0&autoplay=1&cc_load_policy=1  

The ODFW Family Fishing Days, Youth Outdoor Day, and all other events which involve getting groups together have been canceled. If they are rescheduled, we will pass the information along to you.

The chapter picnic: is still in the planning stage. With the City of Salem housing the homeless at Gateway park temporarily, we may need to find another place in the Salem Keizer area. If you have any suggestions please let a board member know ASAP.

Membership is the life of the chapter:   Without members and their support, we would not have a chapter. We have received a new listing from the association for the month of March. We have some new members and a few others have paid their “Past Due” bills.  We have more past due members than paid up members. I agree that notification of renewal date from the association has not been timely. “SO,” If you have a question about your membership please contact the association office or E-mail me at [email protected] and I will give you an update or a call.  Note:  I want to get this out to you and to do it individually, like last month, but it will take too long. No phone text please.  Thank You.

Boat Ramps in Oregon:  I found this link at the Marine Board web page: https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=841da68081294bb2a6b50f93b1a12f05  It shows the boat ramps in Oregon, and where you can get information if it is open. Blue.
It also shows some that are closed like “Big Cliff”, but usable if you can carry in a craft. Red.
You may find out if the ramp is open, and maybe some new ones to try.

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/

Article for the Newsletter:  If you have something interesting you would like to share with the membership, please send it to Bob J. at [email protected].  No phone text please.

Chapter Secretary:   The chapter needs someone to step forward and take this office for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.  Please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership. 

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Rod Ratzlaff
Sec. Ret.                                                                                         Vice President

April 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter North West Steelheaders Newsletter for April 2020

We hope you all are doing well, if you got the bug, hope you are getting better.  Trout season in the Santiam River opens on 22 May. I hope.

The chapter meeting for April is canceled due to the COVID-19 virus, and the closing of the Keizer City Hall.

The May meeting with the Kokanee Kid, as prospective speaker is still pending. We will let you know as soon as we can.

The ODFW Family Fishing Days, Youth Outdoor Day, CCA Banquet and all other events which involve getting groups together have been canceled. If they are rescheduled, we will pass the information along to you. Our chapter picnic is still in the planning stage.

Chapter Presidents Corner:  Fishing report:  Spring Chinook fishing is well underway all through the lower Willamette.  Fishermen have been reporting success from the lower Multnomah Channel all the way up to Oregon City.  Techniques really depend on where in the river you are fishing.  In the lower harbor and Multnomah Channel, fishermen are typically trolling herring, prawn spinners, small 3.5 spinners or even plugs.  These fish will typically be suspended up off of the bottom, so staggering your depths until you find where they are can pay dividends.  Folks that are up near the falls target these fish in a lot of different ways.  You will find people vertically jigging, back bouncing, bobber fishing, back trolling, anchor fishing and in some areas, trolling herring o​_r spinners.  Often the Spring Chinook on the Willamette really like to bite during tide changes.  So be mindful of when in the day that happens and look for a flurry of biters. 
The winter steelhead season has definitely been winding down.  Now, some folks have still been finding some quality fish around as well as some summer steelhead.  These early summer fish are typically great biters.  A lot of the time they are not very picky and will strike most presentations.  With this warm weather we’ve been having, the water temps are getting warmer and hardware or plugs will start to become extremely effective bait choices.  Not to mention that you may very well pick up an aggressive Spring Chinook with both of these techniques. 
Catch and release Sturgeon fishing in the lower Willamette is still a viable option.  These giants love the slow flows of the Portland Harbor area and you can typically find sturgeon congregated in the deeper areas between the St. Johns bridge and Fred’s Marina.  Sand shrimp, Smelt, Herring and Squid are all great bait choices right now. 
Trout fishing has been good for those that have been poking around the local ponds and lakes that surround the Portland Metro area.  ODFW is still withholding when and where they are stocking trout to keep the crowds down and allow social distancing.  With that being said, there are always hold over trout from the previous stocking and popular lakes are continuing to get stocked like they regularly would be.  These fish are going to be quite aggressive and willing participants.  Folks Fishing from their boats will find great success trolling Maglips, Flatfish, Wedding rings or small spinners.  A good plan of attack is to parallel the shoreline of your favorite lake and try to stay just outside of whatever weed beds there are.  Fishermen that will be fishing off the bank will find success casting spinners, spoons, bobbers and bait, or, fishing Night-crawlers or Power-bait off of the bottom.

From  Eric F.—- I got out on Monday 4/13 to try my luck with trout up at Detroit Lake off the dam.  Had a pretty productive afternoon with about 20 or so caught between 2:30 and 5 pm.  Largest was around 13 inches and took home 5 for the frying pan.  

I’m looking at the possibility of having some kind for Zoom meeting for the board and possibly the chapter. If you would be interested in still checking in this way, please drop me note to my email, [email protected].  
Using Zoom is relatively easy right now as long as you are able to download the file to your computer or portable device.(Tablet or smartphone)  I will drop the directions for how to do this below if it may be of interest to you.  I have even used it to keep in contact with family members that I couldn’t see before. 
Note: This is not mandatory. This is just a potential tool in your toolbox for staying engaged during these odd and uncertain times.
Download Zoom on your computer here (use the first download button): https://zoom.us/download
You can download Zoom on your phone as well, just search for it in the app store. Note: you can use cellular data on a Zoom call (meaning you don’t need wifi), but it may use quite a bit of data. 
1.Watch this video to learn how to join a Zoom meeting https://www.youtube.com/embed/hIkCmbvAHQQ?rel=0&autoplay=1&cc_load_policy=1

I hope that all of you are safe and spending some good time social distancing but enjoying the outdoors as well. Eric Foley

Fishing Line Recycle: Time to clean and reline the old and new reels for the new season. Keep the used line.  ODFW has a program that collects and recycles old used fishing line. If you find some fishing line at the boat ramp or on the river bank please put it in the ODFW tubes or bring it to the next general meeting and give it to Bob J.

Membership is the blood of the chapter. Without members and their support, we would not have a chapter. We have received a new listing from the association for the month of March. We have some new members, and a few others have paid their “Past Due” bills.  We have more past due members than paid up members. I agree that notification of renewal date from the association has not been timely. “SO,” I am sending this newsletter to each member with your individual renewal date noted and a renewal form for members past due.  Please take a few minutes to fill out the form and send it in with a check or credit card information for the new renewal amount the association address noted on the form. Thank you.

Your membership expires or expired on:  You should be good for a while, Thank You for your help and support.

Chapter web page Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected]  with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/

Chapter Secretary:   The chapter needs someone to step forward and take this office for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.  Please.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We’ve got a new listing so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership. 

Submitted:                                                                                     Approved:
Bob Johnston                                                                                 Eric Foley
Sec. Ret.                                                                                          President

UPDATE: Just got this from a new member;
My name is Dylan and I am a new member to the Salem chapter, and a new member to NW Steelheaders in general.

Upper north Santiam has some fish throughout, also this is the best time of year to observe big wild fish getting ready to spawn at the base of Big Cliff dam. Just yesterday (4/20) I saw 10+ steelhead in the first main tailout below the dam.  There a few opportunities below the deadline that they like to stack in. Beads, swung flies, jigs, all seem to do the trick.

Three Rivers still has some decent fishing, a few bright fish around (mostly wild) but mostly re-bright fish and spawners.  Thanks, Look forward to meeting everyone and the next chapter meeting.  Tight lines! Dylan.

Learn The River float trips 2020

1. The first Learn the River trip sponsored by the North Santiam River Guides and supported by the Salem Chapter NW Steelheaders will be on 7th of March 2020. If weather and river conditions permit. See River Guides Web Page: www.nsrga.com for more trip information. If your craft is not registered with the Oregon Marine Board, all craft over 10 feet will need a “Non-motorized waterway permit.Rafts are welcome. Be sure to have Personnel Flotation Device [PFD] is required for everyone in the boat. A whistle on each “PFD” and a “pet PFD” are recommended. If this is your first tip you will need to sign a document to be part of the group.

This trip: From Greens Bridge, to the take out, at Jefferson or just under the I-5 bridge at the rest area #241.  This is the least technical drift boat run on the Santiam River, good trip for new boat owners and new oarsmen.

Schedule: The gate at Greens bridge will be open early for the launching of boats. You are welcome to provided your own shuttle if you wish.  Bob J. will provide a shuttle back to Greens Bridge departing I-5 take out at 9:30 AM. with a stop at Jefferson take out if needed.  Safety and trip briefing at 10:00 AM, then shove off.

River Guide President Bob Lusk is coordinating the trip, if you plan to go please call him at: 503-859-2880, you may leave a message he will have a list to call if something aborts the trip. If you plan to take out at Jefferson we need to know.

February 2020 Newsletter

NW Steelheaders logo



Salem Chapter Newsletter

13 February 2020

We hope you have all of your gear ready for some cold, wet, winter and spring fishing.

Note: Sorry to report a long-time member of the Salem Chapter Chap Milbank has passed on 13 Feb.20.

Note: Jim Sallee is requesting more assistance at the Northwest Steelheaders booth at the Albany Sport’s Show this weekend (Saturday the 15th and Sunday the 16th). The Steelheaders run a kid’s fishing tank and help them catch trout. I understand this is late notice but any help would be so much appreciated! If you are interested in helping, please contact Jim Sallee: [email protected] (541) 905-5495

Chapter President: At the January board meeting Eric Foley volunteered to assume the office of Chapter President until the elections are held. Eric F. has some new goals that, with your help and participation, will make this an attractive chapter to all fishermen and others who want to be fishermen.

Chapter Secretary: The chapter needs someone to step forward and take this office for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.

Membership Report Information: You should have received by email or snail-mail a letter with the information the Assn. has for you on their listing. We asked you to verify that it is up to date. Also, your membership expiration date was noted. It there are any corrections please contact the NWS Assn. office at: 6641 S.E. Lake Road Milwaukie, Or 97222-2162 PH: 503-653-4176. We included the NEW renewal form with the NEW prices. You may send the payment to the office, or give it to Linda C. at the next meeting. Bob J. will have a copy of the new listing at the meeting.

January Speaker: We featured Matt Halseth, a fisherman and river guide, to speak at the meeting. Matt had lots of good information on fishing the Santiam, coastal rivers and more. Congratulations to John Fery as he won the seat in Matt’s boat for a future trip. The Assn. is not holding raffles this year. Please support our raffles as they are our main source of income for the chapter.

February Speaker: John Spangler-Fisheries Biologist for the Mid-Coast Newport, OR. will be our speaker for the evening. John has been on the mid-coast for the past 26 years, 27+ years with ODFW. He plans to speak on: some general fish abundance/harvest graphs of the major species, Chinook, Coho, Steelhead, the winter steelhead broodstock programs and how they are working, some results of the steelhead angler vulnerability study (id biter study) and an idea of what’s to come over the next couple years. The Mid-coast district runs from the Salmon River on the north through Tahkenitch Lake on the south and from the beach to crest of the coast range. A lot of you fish this area. Please come and give John a warm Salem Steelheaders welcome.

Future speakers: President Eric F. has scheduled the following presenters:
March 17
th.—Brandon Glass, Team Hook-up Guide Service. Will talk about spinner fishing and more.
Mark your calendars and please plan to attend your chapter meetings.
 If you have the knowledge and motivation to present a class or be our speaker for a meeting, let a board member know. If you have a subject you would like to see/hear covered please let us know.
Note: If you feel compelled to carry on a conversation with your table-mate while the speaker is talking, PLEASE leave the room until you are done. Members come to hear the speakers, not you.

New Licenses for 2020: If you want a paper license, the Sportsman’s Warehouse will print them out on “waterproof” paper for a minimal charge of 50 cents. They also have the ability so shrink the size of the paper license.

Upcoming events: Would you like to help organize: a Spring fishing trip for chapter members; a trip to the Albany Sportsman’s shows, [14-16 Feb], (members may want to go as a group?); Youth Outdoor Day at Camp Adair; fishing ponds at the Capitol Mall for kids; and Park Clean Up are some of the programs you can help your chapter do. Let us know.

NWSH Assn. Family Fish Camp: Family Fish Camp is for all families who want to learn fishing skills while staying overnight at cozy Camp Angelos on the Sandy River on March 13-15th… Passionate anglers with years of experience will teach you the basics, and your family will have the opportunity to spend time together outdoors alongside new friends. Information is at: www.facebook.com/pg/NorthwestSteelheaders/events

Learn the River Trips: The chapter and the North Santiam River Guides team up to show boaters the best routes to take when floating the Santiam River. There are four trips planed: Tentative LTR dates: March 2020 Shelburn to I-5 Rest Area. This trip may start at Green’s Bridge instead. April 2020 Mehama to Shelburn, May 2020 Fisherman’s Bend to Mahama, June 2020 Pack Saddle to Mehama. Bob Lusk announced parking at Shelburn Ramp will be open for both the trips and parking has been arranged. As the trips move upstream, they become more technical to navigate. More information to follow. Schedule changes are to get the trips done before the middle of June.

ODFW Reports: The winter steelhead season is well underway. Recent rains have dispersed fish throughout the basins on the coast and in the Willamette Valley. The key to winter fishing is to keep an eye on water levels and fish when they are dropping.  In the north coast, rain Tuesday night spiked water levels but several rivers should be fishable, if high, by the weekend.  Fishing has been picking up on the Siletz and Siuslaw, which should be in good shape for the weekend  On the south coast, check out the Applegate, Illinois, Rogue and Umpqua for some good weekend fishing.  In the Willamette Valley, the Sandy and Clackamas may still be running high this weekend, but the Molalla might be just right.

New Recreational Crab Gear Marking Rule: Effective January 1, 2020, surface buoys used to mark recreational crab pots or rings must be marked in a visible, legible, and permanent manner with information clearly identifying the owner of the crab pots or rings. The identifying information must include first and last name or business name AND at least one of the following: (a) Permanent address; (b) Phone number; (c) Angler Identification number; or (d) A vessel identification number.

Project Healing Waters: A Veterans assistance program. This program is designed to get our veterans involved with fishing by teaching the basics, making equipment and lures, and then taking them fishing in all different areas of the state. A program worthy of consideration of your support.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We got a new listing, so hopefully, we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Submitted:                  Approved:
Bob Johnston              Eric Foley
Sec. Ret.                      President



February 2020 News

We are writing and asking for your help us to catch us up on some administrative things.

First, the Portland Sportsman’s show is scheduled to be held in Portland on 5-9 February, 2020. The N.W. Steelheaders Assn. will have a booth to inform and recruit Attendees to join our Association. If you plan to attend and would like to help, please contact the Association office at 1-503-653-4176. The E-mail for the office is: [email protected], but it may not be working at this time.
Coupons for a discount on the admission may be available at Bi-Mart, Sportsman’s Warehouse and other places.

Second: The Albany Sportsman’s Show is scheduled for 14-16 Feb at the Linn County Expo Center in Albany. President Eric Foley suggested maybe some members would like to go as a group and car pool. Let us know if you are interested. 

Third:  You are receiving this because our new listing of members shows you are, or were a member of this chapter in August 2018. 
We know the association notification of membership expiration dates and reminders may not have been received by members in a timely manner. 
We know some members may have just forgotten to renew, had a change in contact information or a name change. Some have dropped their membership.

So, we are sending you the information we have for you on our current listing, individually.  Please review this information, if it is correct do nothing. If you are past due and want to continue your membership, [all memberships are $30.00 a year], please sent your payment to: Association of Northwest Steelheaders 6641 SE Lake Road, Milwaukee, OR 97222-2161, or bring your money to the next chapter meeting on the 18Th of Feb. Please see Linda C. or Robert M.

If you need to update your contact information, please E-Mail Bob J. at [email protected] with changes. DO NOT Text Bob. He may not get it.

Thank You, Board of Directors Salem Chapter N.W. Steelheaders.

January 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter January 2020

We hope you had a fun, safe holiday season and have all of your gear ready for some cold, wet, winter and spring fishing.

Chapter President: Michael Tucker has been our president and he has taken employment that is not allowing him to continue in that office. At the January board meeting Eric Foley volunteered to assume the office of Chapter President pro-tem until the elections are held. A Big Thank You to both gentleman as they have worked hard to keep and make this chapter viable and their dedication is truly appreciated.

Chapter Secretary and a Web Master: The chapter needs someone to step forward and take these offices for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.

New Licenses for 2020: If you want a paper license, the Sportsman’s Warehouse will print them out on “waterproof” paper for a minimal charge of 50 cents.

December Meeting and Dinner: Thank You to all the members who attended and provided another delicious dinner. If you did not get your fill, it is your own fault. Our guest speakers were Alan Fitzpatrick and Kent Toomb from Project Healing Waters Veterans assistance program. This program is designed to get our veterans involved with fishing by teaching the basics, making equipment and lures, and then taking them fishing in all different areas of the state. A program worthy of consideration of your support.

January Speaker: We have scheduled Matt Halseth, a fisherman and river guide, to speak at the meeting. Matt has lots of good information on fishing the Santiam, coastal rivers and more. Please plan to attend. We will be raffling off a seat in Matt’s new boat for a future fishing trip. You may also win some very nice prizes by buying a raffle ticket. The money helps support your Salem Chapter.

Future speakers: President Eric F. has scheduled the following presenters:
Feb.—John Spangler-Fisheries Biologist for the Mid-Coast Newport, OR.
March—Brandon Glass, Team Hook-up Guide Service. Will talk about spinner fishing and more.
Mark your calendars and please plan to attend your chapter meetings.

 If you have the knowledge and motivation to present a class or be our speaker for a meeting, let a board member know. If you have a subject you would like to see/hear covered please let us know. Note: If you feel compelled to carry on a conversation with your table-mate while the speaker is talking, PLEASE leave the room until you are done. Members come to hear the speakers, not you.

NWSH Assoc. Family Fish Camp: Family Fish Camp is for all families who want to learn fishing skills while staying overnight at cozy Camp Angelos on the Sandy River. Passionate anglers with years of experience will teach you the basics, and your family will have the opportunity to spend time together outdoors alongside new friends. Information is at: www.facebook.com/pg/NorthwestSteelheaders/events

Learn the River Trips: The chapter and the North Santiam River Guides team up to show boaters the best routes to take when floating the Santiam River. There are four trips planed: Tentative LTR dates: March 2020 Shelburn to I-5 Rest Area. This trip may start at Green’s Bridge instead. April 2020 Mehama to Shelburn, May 2020 Fisherman’s Bend to Mahama, June 2020 Pack Saddle to Mehama. Bob Lusk announced parking at Shelburn Ramp will be open for both the trips and parking has been arranged. As the trips move upstream, they become more technical to navigate. More information to follow. Schedule changes are to get the trips done before the middle of June.

New Recreational Crab Gear Marking Rule: Effective January 1, 2020, surface buoys used to mark recreational crab pots or rings must be marked in a visible, legible, and permanent manner with information clearly identifying the owner of the crab pots or rings. The identifying information must include first and last name or business name AND at least one of the following: (a) Permanent address; (b) Phone number; (c) Angler Identification number; or (d) A vessel identification number.

Upcoming events: Would you like to help organize: a Spring fishing trip for chapter members; a trip to the Portland, [6-9 Feb, and Albany Sportsman’s shows, [14-16 Feb], (members may want to go as a group?); Youth Outdoor Day at Camp Adair; fishing ponds at the capitol mall for kids; and Park Clean Up are some of the programs you can help your chapter do. Let us know.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We got a new listing today so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Submitted:                                                Approved:
Bob Johnston                                            Eric Foley
Sec. Ret.                                                    President