February 2020 Newsletter

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Salem Chapter Newsletter

13 February 2020

We hope you have all of your gear ready for some cold, wet, winter and spring fishing.

Note: Sorry to report a long-time member of the Salem Chapter Chap Milbank has passed on 13 Feb.20.

Note: Jim Sallee is requesting more assistance at the Northwest Steelheaders booth at the Albany Sport’s Show this weekend (Saturday the 15th and Sunday the 16th). The Steelheaders run a kid’s fishing tank and help them catch trout. I understand this is late notice but any help would be so much appreciated! If you are interested in helping, please contact Jim Sallee: [email protected] (541) 905-5495

Chapter President: At the January board meeting Eric Foley volunteered to assume the office of Chapter President until the elections are held. Eric F. has some new goals that, with your help and participation, will make this an attractive chapter to all fishermen and others who want to be fishermen.

Chapter Secretary: The chapter needs someone to step forward and take this office for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.

Membership Report Information: You should have received by email or snail-mail a letter with the information the Assn. has for you on their listing. We asked you to verify that it is up to date. Also, your membership expiration date was noted. It there are any corrections please contact the NWS Assn. office at: 6641 S.E. Lake Road Milwaukie, Or 97222-2162 PH: 503-653-4176. We included the NEW renewal form with the NEW prices. You may send the payment to the office, or give it to Linda C. at the next meeting. Bob J. will have a copy of the new listing at the meeting.

January Speaker: We featured Matt Halseth, a fisherman and river guide, to speak at the meeting. Matt had lots of good information on fishing the Santiam, coastal rivers and more. Congratulations to John Fery as he won the seat in Matt’s boat for a future trip. The Assn. is not holding raffles this year. Please support our raffles as they are our main source of income for the chapter.

February Speaker: John Spangler-Fisheries Biologist for the Mid-Coast Newport, OR. will be our speaker for the evening. John has been on the mid-coast for the past 26 years, 27+ years with ODFW. He plans to speak on: some general fish abundance/harvest graphs of the major species, Chinook, Coho, Steelhead, the winter steelhead broodstock programs and how they are working, some results of the steelhead angler vulnerability study (id biter study) and an idea of what’s to come over the next couple years. The Mid-coast district runs from the Salmon River on the north through Tahkenitch Lake on the south and from the beach to crest of the coast range. A lot of you fish this area. Please come and give John a warm Salem Steelheaders welcome.

Future speakers: President Eric F. has scheduled the following presenters:
March 17
th.—Brandon Glass, Team Hook-up Guide Service. Will talk about spinner fishing and more.
Mark your calendars and please plan to attend your chapter meetings.
 If you have the knowledge and motivation to present a class or be our speaker for a meeting, let a board member know. If you have a subject you would like to see/hear covered please let us know.
Note: If you feel compelled to carry on a conversation with your table-mate while the speaker is talking, PLEASE leave the room until you are done. Members come to hear the speakers, not you.

New Licenses for 2020: If you want a paper license, the Sportsman’s Warehouse will print them out on “waterproof” paper for a minimal charge of 50 cents. They also have the ability so shrink the size of the paper license.

Upcoming events: Would you like to help organize: a Spring fishing trip for chapter members; a trip to the Albany Sportsman’s shows, [14-16 Feb], (members may want to go as a group?); Youth Outdoor Day at Camp Adair; fishing ponds at the Capitol Mall for kids; and Park Clean Up are some of the programs you can help your chapter do. Let us know.

NWSH Assn. Family Fish Camp: Family Fish Camp is for all families who want to learn fishing skills while staying overnight at cozy Camp Angelos on the Sandy River on March 13-15th… Passionate anglers with years of experience will teach you the basics, and your family will have the opportunity to spend time together outdoors alongside new friends. Information is at: www.facebook.com/pg/NorthwestSteelheaders/events

Learn the River Trips: The chapter and the North Santiam River Guides team up to show boaters the best routes to take when floating the Santiam River. There are four trips planed: Tentative LTR dates: March 2020 Shelburn to I-5 Rest Area. This trip may start at Green’s Bridge instead. April 2020 Mehama to Shelburn, May 2020 Fisherman’s Bend to Mahama, June 2020 Pack Saddle to Mehama. Bob Lusk announced parking at Shelburn Ramp will be open for both the trips and parking has been arranged. As the trips move upstream, they become more technical to navigate. More information to follow. Schedule changes are to get the trips done before the middle of June.

ODFW Reports: The winter steelhead season is well underway. Recent rains have dispersed fish throughout the basins on the coast and in the Willamette Valley. The key to winter fishing is to keep an eye on water levels and fish when they are dropping.  In the north coast, rain Tuesday night spiked water levels but several rivers should be fishable, if high, by the weekend.  Fishing has been picking up on the Siletz and Siuslaw, which should be in good shape for the weekend  On the south coast, check out the Applegate, Illinois, Rogue and Umpqua for some good weekend fishing.  In the Willamette Valley, the Sandy and Clackamas may still be running high this weekend, but the Molalla might be just right.

New Recreational Crab Gear Marking Rule: Effective January 1, 2020, surface buoys used to mark recreational crab pots or rings must be marked in a visible, legible, and permanent manner with information clearly identifying the owner of the crab pots or rings. The identifying information must include first and last name or business name AND at least one of the following: (a) Permanent address; (b) Phone number; (c) Angler Identification number; or (d) A vessel identification number.

Project Healing Waters: A Veterans assistance program. This program is designed to get our veterans involved with fishing by teaching the basics, making equipment and lures, and then taking them fishing in all different areas of the state. A program worthy of consideration of your support.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We got a new listing, so hopefully, we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Submitted:                  Approved:
Bob Johnston              Eric Foley
Sec. Ret.                      President



February 2020 News

We are writing and asking for your help us to catch us up on some administrative things.

First, the Portland Sportsman’s show is scheduled to be held in Portland on 5-9 February, 2020. The N.W. Steelheaders Assn. will have a booth to inform and recruit Attendees to join our Association. If you plan to attend and would like to help, please contact the Association office at 1-503-653-4176. The E-mail for the office is: [email protected], but it may not be working at this time.
Coupons for a discount on the admission may be available at Bi-Mart, Sportsman’s Warehouse and other places.

Second: The Albany Sportsman’s Show is scheduled for 14-16 Feb at the Linn County Expo Center in Albany. President Eric Foley suggested maybe some members would like to go as a group and car pool. Let us know if you are interested. 

Third:  You are receiving this because our new listing of members shows you are, or were a member of this chapter in August 2018. 
We know the association notification of membership expiration dates and reminders may not have been received by members in a timely manner. 
We know some members may have just forgotten to renew, had a change in contact information or a name change. Some have dropped their membership.

So, we are sending you the information we have for you on our current listing, individually.  Please review this information, if it is correct do nothing. If you are past due and want to continue your membership, [all memberships are $30.00 a year], please sent your payment to: Association of Northwest Steelheaders 6641 SE Lake Road, Milwaukee, OR 97222-2161, or bring your money to the next chapter meeting on the 18Th of Feb. Please see Linda C. or Robert M.

If you need to update your contact information, please E-Mail Bob J. at [email protected] with changes. DO NOT Text Bob. He may not get it.

Thank You, Board of Directors Salem Chapter N.W. Steelheaders.

January 2020 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter January 2020

We hope you had a fun, safe holiday season and have all of your gear ready for some cold, wet, winter and spring fishing.

Chapter President: Michael Tucker has been our president and he has taken employment that is not allowing him to continue in that office. At the January board meeting Eric Foley volunteered to assume the office of Chapter President pro-tem until the elections are held. A Big Thank You to both gentleman as they have worked hard to keep and make this chapter viable and their dedication is truly appreciated.

Chapter Secretary and a Web Master: The chapter needs someone to step forward and take these offices for the chapter. We will train you; some computer skills would be very helpful.

New Licenses for 2020: If you want a paper license, the Sportsman’s Warehouse will print them out on “waterproof” paper for a minimal charge of 50 cents.

December Meeting and Dinner: Thank You to all the members who attended and provided another delicious dinner. If you did not get your fill, it is your own fault. Our guest speakers were Alan Fitzpatrick and Kent Toomb from Project Healing Waters Veterans assistance program. This program is designed to get our veterans involved with fishing by teaching the basics, making equipment and lures, and then taking them fishing in all different areas of the state. A program worthy of consideration of your support.

January Speaker: We have scheduled Matt Halseth, a fisherman and river guide, to speak at the meeting. Matt has lots of good information on fishing the Santiam, coastal rivers and more. Please plan to attend. We will be raffling off a seat in Matt’s new boat for a future fishing trip. You may also win some very nice prizes by buying a raffle ticket. The money helps support your Salem Chapter.

Future speakers: President Eric F. has scheduled the following presenters:
Feb.—John Spangler-Fisheries Biologist for the Mid-Coast Newport, OR.
March—Brandon Glass, Team Hook-up Guide Service. Will talk about spinner fishing and more.
Mark your calendars and please plan to attend your chapter meetings.

 If you have the knowledge and motivation to present a class or be our speaker for a meeting, let a board member know. If you have a subject you would like to see/hear covered please let us know. Note: If you feel compelled to carry on a conversation with your table-mate while the speaker is talking, PLEASE leave the room until you are done. Members come to hear the speakers, not you.

NWSH Assoc. Family Fish Camp: Family Fish Camp is for all families who want to learn fishing skills while staying overnight at cozy Camp Angelos on the Sandy River. Passionate anglers with years of experience will teach you the basics, and your family will have the opportunity to spend time together outdoors alongside new friends. Information is at: www.facebook.com/pg/NorthwestSteelheaders/events

Learn the River Trips: The chapter and the North Santiam River Guides team up to show boaters the best routes to take when floating the Santiam River. There are four trips planed: Tentative LTR dates: March 2020 Shelburn to I-5 Rest Area. This trip may start at Green’s Bridge instead. April 2020 Mehama to Shelburn, May 2020 Fisherman’s Bend to Mahama, June 2020 Pack Saddle to Mehama. Bob Lusk announced parking at Shelburn Ramp will be open for both the trips and parking has been arranged. As the trips move upstream, they become more technical to navigate. More information to follow. Schedule changes are to get the trips done before the middle of June.

New Recreational Crab Gear Marking Rule: Effective January 1, 2020, surface buoys used to mark recreational crab pots or rings must be marked in a visible, legible, and permanent manner with information clearly identifying the owner of the crab pots or rings. The identifying information must include first and last name or business name AND at least one of the following: (a) Permanent address; (b) Phone number; (c) Angler Identification number; or (d) A vessel identification number.

Upcoming events: Would you like to help organize: a Spring fishing trip for chapter members; a trip to the Portland, [6-9 Feb, and Albany Sportsman’s shows, [14-16 Feb], (members may want to go as a group?); Youth Outdoor Day at Camp Adair; fishing ponds at the capitol mall for kids; and Park Clean Up are some of the programs you can help your chapter do. Let us know.

If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We got a new listing today so hopefully; we’ll be able to get in contact with all of our membership.

Submitted:                                                Approved:
Bob Johnston                                            Eric Foley
Sec. Ret.                                                    President

December 2019 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter December 2019

We hope you are getting ready for the holidays and have all of your gear ready for some cold, wet, fishing.

November Meeting Speaker:  Thank you to all the members who attended our November meeting. Our two guests were very appreciative and so was the board members.  Chris Hager, the new Executive Director, gave us a good insight into the goals and objectives he has set for the Assoc. of NW Steelheaders. We also explored problem areas the chapter is experiencing with the Association.  Long time Salem Steel header, G.I. Wilson, was there to promote his new book “Bear Crushes Dad,” short stories about fishing and hunting. G.I. is an award-winning author and frequently has articles in Salmon & Steelhead magazine.  His book is very humorous. We can put you in contact with him if you missed a chance to get your copy or one for your fishing buddies. 

Christmas Dinner on 17 December meeting and dinner:  At the December meeting we will have our fabulous dinner and meeting. The chapter will provide the ham and turkey, soft beverages, tableware, and members will bring the side dishes. We had a signup sheet at the November meeting.  I was not asking for you to choose ham or turkey or to bring some, we have that covered, just bring a side dish. Suggestions are welcome. Past dinners have been outstanding and lots of fun. The drawing will be different: all attending will be given a ticket “at no cost” and drawings will be made for some very nice prizes.  Dinner starts at 7:00 p.m. on 17 December 2019.
Members who did not get an opportunity to sign up, please do so ASAP with Linda C. at 503-393-0212, [please leave a message] or [email protected] and tell us who you are, how many will be attending and what you plan on bringing. We need to plan for the seating for everyone.

Guest speakersfor the evening will be: Alan Fitzpatrick and Kent Toomb from Project Healing Waters.  This program is designed to get our veterans involved with fishing, by teaching the basics, making equipment and lures, then taking them fishing in all different areas of the state. This is not just for the older veterans. They include the younger men and women who have served and returned [there are more than you may realize] that may need some comradely with other veterans to get out of their shell and help them on a road to find some fun in their life. Please come out and have a good meal and learn how you may assist in this very worthwhile project.

Note: If you feel compelled to carry on a conversation with your table-mate while the speaker is talking, PLEASE leave the room until you are done. Members come to hear the speakers, not you.

ODFW: Commission hears testimony on wild winter steelhead retention in southwest Oregon. The Commission will consider a petition to prohibit the retention of wild winter steelhead on all rivers in the SW Zone next month at its Jan. 17 meeting in Salem.
On this subject the Assoc. Legislative representative, Mr. Bob Olsen, sent the following: Greetings; Yesterday a couple dozen native fish activists/ guides from the southern Oregon coastal area went before the commission insisting on a temporary rule that would limit all native steelhead fishing to catch and release, in their part of the state. Partly because neither the pro or con side of the issue has yet offered good science and data, the largely new commission has postponed work on this subject until January. I suspect the commission staff will eventually recommend any justified restrictions should be imposed through changes in the existing conservation recovery plan.
It should also be noted the agency’s budget advisory committee will soon be receiving information about budget adjustments. The legislature will hold a short session early next year and we should soon be seeing some policy proposals of interest to ANWS. Please let me know if your chapter has policy questions or important political news to share. 
Bob J. said, “You have to keep an eye on the legislative issues or we will not have fish or guns.”

January Speaker: We have scheduled Matt Halseth, a fisherman and river guide, to speak at that meeting. Matt has lots of good information on fishing the Santiam, coastal rivers and more. Please plan to attend.

Learn the River Trips:  The chapter and the North Santiam River Guides team up to show boaters the best routes to take when floating the Santiam River. There are four trips planed: Tentative LTR dates: March 2020 Shelburn to I-5 Rest Area. This trip may start at Green’s Bridge instead. April 2020 Mehama to Shelburn, May 2020 Fisherman’s Bend to Mahama, June 2020 Pack Saddle to Mehama. Bob Lusk announced parking at Shelburn Ramp will be open for both the trips and parking has been arranged. As the trips move upstream, they become more technical to navigate.  More information to follow. Schedule changes are to get the trips done before the middle of June.

ODFW: Volunteer Angler Education Instructor Training; We have some folks who want to participate in this program. Bob J. will contact members who have signed up with information for the ones who have not completed the required background check. If you are interested please let Bob J. know.    

  If you have the knowledge and motivation to present a class or be our speaker for a meeting let a board member know. If you have a subject you would like to see/hear covered please let us know.

P.S. If you know someone who has joined this chapter and is not getting the newsletter, please have them contact Bob J. We are working off an old membership listing. Thank You.

Submitted:                                                Approved:
Bob Johnston                                           Michal Tucker
Sec. Ret.                                                    President
Go Navy Beat Army.


May 2019 Newletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 15 May 2019

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages— On behalf of our President, Mike Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a Very Happy Memorial Day. “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may not remember, Involve me, and I will understand”. An old Indian lesson given to young braves. Maybe this fits the mission of our chapter.

Paper Fishing Licenses: Some of us do not have “smart phone [?] Doohickeys” to hold and display our government issued fishing licenses and other stuff. We found that if you purchase your licenses at Sportsman’s for a 50 cent surcharge they will print it on waterproof paper.

Meeting Date is 21 May. The meeting will be at the Keizer City Hall at 7:00 pm. Our speaker will be Mr. Jason Hambly of Pro-Cure Bait Scents. Jason will be talking about new products and how to use these products on actual eggs and herring. You don’t want to miss this meeting. Other items of interest will be discussed. Please see the attached flyer and bring a friend. The next general meeting will be held on the 18 June 2019. Our speaker will be Mr. Dave Schamp of Hatchery & Wild-Coexist.

C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented.

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishing, please make it known to a board member.

Association raffle tickets: Thank You to the members who bought tickets at the last meeting. Please bring an extra few bucks and we will sell you some boat tickets.

Our next and last sale date is Saturday 18 May 2019. All we ask for is just three hours of your time: 9:00 a.m.-noon, or noon-3:00 p.m. at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. If you can help us please give Bob J. a call at the number listed below.
The raffle tickets are for a Clacka Craft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to go. This program is a
fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer.

Chapter Picnic: The board is exploring the option to have the chapter picnic at Salem Cascade Park vs Santiam State Park. [The Santiam State park is now open. The fire damage is “mostly “on the west side of the main road and boat launch area. Walking trails on that side are still closed].
The board is concerned that attendance at this event has been less than expected and maybe by holding it in the Salem area, it will generate more interest and attendance. The date for this event is July 13
th. There is fishing ponds available for you or your family to experience, maybe hold a how to class? And lots of trails and grass available for play. We will have a sign up list at the next general meeting, and please give us your input.

Capitol Fish Pond: Saturday 25 May at the east end of the Capitol Mall, 900 Court Street NE. You will need to be at the pond at 8:00 am, the event goes until noon. This will be a wonderful event and we are hoping for a good turnout! Attached is the flyer so share it with anyone you may know who would be interested in coming out, helping, and/or catching fish! These are the stations we are need to fill: Helping out at the fishing pool (netting, whacking, helping kids, etc.): 5 or more volunteers; Fillet station: 2 volunteers; Backyard bass (casting): 2-4 volunteers; Knot tying: 1-2 volunteers; bugs and fly tying; and a welcome desk (handing out brochures, answering questions, giving out free fishing event info, etc.: 1-2 volunteers. The Steelheaders will be setting up a booth as well and will be manning that. We will have a Sign Up Sheet at the meeting. Please see attached flyer. The event is sponsored by the Oregon Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and several sporting groups.

Youth Outdoor Day: A program sponsored by ODFW and other organizations where several programs are offered to youngsters of all ages at E.E. Wilson Reserve. We help getting the kids to catch a fish in the ponds. We will need some volunteers to coordinate activities, prepare the fishing poles, reels, fishing gear, and attend the event to help the kids. This event will be held on Saturday June 8, 2019. More information to follow, if you want to help, let us know—signup sheet will be at the next meeting.

Leaburg Hatchery Help: You assistance is needed to help keep the Leaburg Hatchery operating. The Leaburg hatchery is once again at risk.  Anti-hatchery activists are resorting to false claims to oppose state funding of this valuable hatchery.  We need you to CLICK HERE to send your state legislators a pre-drafted letter urging them to fund ODFW’s continued operation of the Leaburg hatchery.  Or you may send a letter in your own words.  
Last year, CCA led the successful effort to secure one-year of state funding for ODFW to continue operating the Leaburg hatchery after the Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would be closed.  The Leaburg hatchery, located east of Eugene and constructed to mitigate for the impact of federal dams in the Willamette River basin, is critical to the future of our fisheries – including efforts to increase production of Willamette River spring Chinook.  It would cost as much as $100 million to construct a new hatchery to replace Leaburg, which is in excellent condition and enjoys a plentiful water supply.
We will have more information at the meeting on the 21st of May.

Replacement for the Secretary and Webmaster: Bob J. announced that he will be retiring from the chapter secretary job that he has had on and off since 2004. We need someone to fill that office. Our Webmaster has resigned his position. If you have any skills in maintaining a web page and posting information and photos to the chapter web page and Facebook we need you. Dave S. will work with you for a smooth transition. If you are interested, please talk with President Matt Tucker or Bob J.

 Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish, you have caught or places you have fished send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Not getting correspondence: If you are not receiving your membership information from the Association please see the secretary, Bob Johnston. We found one member who was listed in another chapter. A lot of the phone numbers we have in the listing are not correct.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. NOTE: when you renew, you need to indicate if you want to be reminded about your membership by snail mail, if you do not so indicate you will receive renewals by e-mail. If you need more information please contact Bob J., Robert M. or Linda C. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.
Hope to see you at the next meeting; we will start at 7:00 p.m. on 21 May 2019.

Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. Matt Tucker President



March 2019 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 15 March 2019

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages–this is your chapter newsletter for March 2019. On behalf of our President, Mike Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a Very Happy St. Patrick’s day. “As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters [or fish hooks] never point in the wrong direction!”, an old Irish Blessing, almost.

Meeting Date is March 19th. We are back on schedule. The meeting will be on the 19th of March 2019 at the Keizer City Hall at 7:00 pm. The next general meeting will be held on the 16th of April.

Speaker March Meeting: Our guest speaker for March will be the association new Vice President Mr. Ryan Meek. He will speak to us on the new direction that the association is taking, changes in the leadership, new goals and more. The legislature is in session and there are some bills that effect our fishing, hatcheries, salmon and steelhead runs. Mr. Bob Olson, the association lobbyist, will be here to give us an update. Let’s have a big turn out and show them our appreciation for coming to spend some time with us.

C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented.

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishing, please make it known to a board member.

Keeping Fish Hatcheries Operating: On the 13th of March, Wednesday, there was an ODFW budget hearing held at the state capitol, “Using Columbia River Basin Endorsement” funds to:
1. Keep the Leaburg Hatchery open and producing fish to stock in our local streams.
2. Using funds to deal with the sea lions in the rivers of the Pacific Northwest.
3. Changing the rules and fees to the Columbia River Basin Endorsement, making it a permanent permit [tax?] to fish for salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon within designated areas of the Northwest, Willamette, Central, Northeast, Southeast, Snake River and Columbia zones. The current agreement has a 5 year sunset clause in it.
4. Change the current agreement to allow the gill netters back in the main stream of the Columbia River and is championed by two members of ODFW Commission whose terms expire in June 2019.
Your chapter was represented by a few Salem members, and several association members. The “CCA” and folks from Leabrug were well represented.


House Bill 3016: This bill was introduced by Representative Sprenger and Senator Girod:

Appropriates money to State Department of Fish and Wildlife for activities related to summer steelhead hatchery production for Santiam River. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
You can view the bill at: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Measures/Overview/HB3016
click on “3016” in the upper left hand corner.
We and other fishing clubs will continue to advocate for increased hatchery funding and production on a statewide basis.  Recent losses of fish at major hatcheries clearly demonstrate the need for additional hatchery maintenance and operations funding. We are tracking specific budgetary needs for the Willamette basin that are vital for fish mitigation and sport fishing opportunity:
Leaburg Hatchery: $1,885,594 to produce 459,000 trout, 108,000 summer steelhead and 260,000 spring Chinook smolts for release in Willamette basin waters each year.
Santiam Hatchery: $400,000 to produce 114,000 summer steelhead each year. This hatchery is frequently overlooked.
If you support our passion, and can be at the Capitol Building not later than 8:00 a.m. in meeting room
“E” wearing your N.W. Steelheaders gear, and help fill the room, it will make an impression and gain support. You may sign up to speak, but you only get two minutes and that goes fast. Then drop by your Representative and Senators offices and let them know you took time to attend, ask for their support orally or in writing.


You are in: Membership in the Association of N.W. Steelheaders has it perks. Columbia Sportswear Co. is offering an opportunity for you to shop at the Science Park Dr. Store in Portland, OR. There is a copy of the flyer in the attachment, print it out, read the small print on the bottom, find your membership card, and save some money. Last day is 24 March.


Association raffle tickets: Thank You to the members who bought tickets at the last meeting. Please bring an extra few bucks; we will sell you some trip or boat tickets.
NOTE: The nice folks at Sportsman’s Warehouse have scheduled the scouts to sell on the same dates we were hoping for. We do have Wednesday 23rd of March and Saturdays 20 and 27 April. All we ask for is just three hours of your time: 9:00 a.m.-noon, or noon-3:00 p.m. at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. I will have a signup sheet coming around, or give Bob J. a call at the number listed below.
The raffle tickets are for a three day Alaskan Guided fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and a ClackaCraft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a
fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings. I may have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer or at the meetings.

Replacement for the Secretary: At the last board meeting Bob J. announced that he will be retiring from the chapter secretary job that he has had on and off since 2004. We need someone to fill that office. If you are interested please talk with the President Matt Tucker or Bob J. We have one person interested are You?

Youth Outdoor Day: A program sponsored by ODFW and other organizations where several programs are offered to youngsters of all ages at E.E. Wilson Reserve. We help getting the kids to catch a fish in the ponds. We will need some volunteers to coordinate activities, prepare the fishing poles, reels, fishing gear, and attend the event to help the kids. This event will be held on Saturday June 8, 2019. More information to follow. If you want to help, let us know—signup sheet will be provided later.


 Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish, you have caught or places you have fished send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ .

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Not getting correspondence: If you are not receiving your membership information from the Association please see the secretary, Bob Johnston. We found one member who was listed in another chapter. A lot of the phone numbers we have in the listing are not correct.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. If you need more information please contact Bob J. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.
Hope to see you at the March meeting; we will start at 7:00 p.m. on 19
th March 2019.

Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. Mike Tucker President



February 2019 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 14 February 2019

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages–this is your chapter newsletter for February 2019. On behalf of our President, Mike Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a Very Happy Valentine ’s Day.

Meeting Date is 19th. We are back on schedule. The meeting will be on the 19th of February 2019 at the Keizer City Hall at 7:00 pm. The March meeting will be held on the 19th of March.

Speaker February Meeting: Our guest speaker for February will be Mr. Robert W. Bradley. Robert is the Fisheries Biologist of the North Coast of Oregon. He is located out of the Tillamook office of ODF&W. His geographic area runs from the Nestucca northward to the northern Oregon border. He will be sharing his expertise on the steelhead and salmon in his district and how some programs now in place are working for the future of the resource. Let’s have a big turn out and show him our appreciation for coming all the way over to spend some time with us.

“C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented.

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishing, please make it known to a board member.

Keeping Fish Hatcheries Operating: We hope you saw and read the article in the Statesman’s Journal on the 31st of January; Fishing groups fight plan to eliminate hatchery steelhead from North Santiam River by Zach Urness. We know that there has been lots of discussion on this Issue. [Missed it, see Bob J.] It is important that your views be heard. WE strongly recommend you contact your state legislators and make your views known. The Legislature can fund ODFW to continue the program one year or until the federal issue is resolved. Need a “go by?” See Bob Johnston at the meeting or request a copy at [email protected]. Our federal legislators have signed a letter to the Corps of Engineers requesting them to honor their commitment and continue with the summer steelhead program as required by law. Your comments to our federal representives may help us resolve this Issue.

Open Fish-A-Long: The Sandy River Chapter has an open Fish-A-Long on the Sandy River coming up on Sunday, Feb. 17. They usually meet at Oxbow Park about 7a.m.; split up and hit the river. Bank fish-alongs are ½ day events where chapter members meet up and fish from the bank. Jim C. leads these and some of the more experienced anglers from the Sandy chapter are available to help those new to steelhead fishing and techniques. Recommend check the weather and you contact Jim Cathcart at [email protected] or 503-238-4775 Ext 106., and

Association raffle tickets: Thank You to the members who bought tickets at the last meeting. Please bring an extra few bucks; we will sell you some trip or boat tickets.

Fundraiser NOTE: The nice folks at Sportsman’s Warehouse have scheduled the scouts to sell on the same dates we were hoping for. We do have Wednesdays scheduled 23rd February and 9th and 23rd of March. All we ask for is just three hours of your time: 9:00 a.m.-noon, or noon-3:00 p.m. at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. I will have a signup sheet coming around, or give Bob J. a call at the number listed below. The raffle tickets are for a three day Alaskan Guided fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and a Clacka Craft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings. I may have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. Please contact me at email [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer or at the meetings.

Replacement for the Secretary: At the last board meeting Bob J. announced that he will be retiring from the chapter secretary job that he has had on and off since 2004. We need someone to fill that office. If you are interested please talk with the President Mike Tucker or Bob J.

Classes at Chemeketa C.C. : President Mike Tucker has made contact with the authorities at our Salem Chemeketa Community College. They are working on a project to present classes on Salmon and Steelhead fishing. The program is exploratory now, but we hope with your support, it will be part of the curriculum. We may have to start as an adult education class and work up to a class for credit. The goal is to bring the N.W. Steelheaders message and expertise to the younger members of the community; hopefully they will join our chapter.

Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ .

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information. Not getting correspondence: If you are not receiving your membership information from the Association please see the secretary, Bob Johnston. We found one member who was listed in another chapter. A lot of the phone numbers we have in the listing are not correct.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. If you need more information please contact Bob J. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507- 1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat. We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.

Hope to see you at the February meeting; we will start at 7:00 p.m. on 19th Feb. 2019 Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec., Mike Tucker President

January 2019 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 9 January 2019

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages–this is your chapter newsletter for January 2019. On behalf of our President, Matt Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a Very Happy New Year.

Meeting Date Change: We have experienced a conflict with the scheduling of the meeting room at Keizer City Hall. Our normal meeting date would be on the 15th of Jan. For this month it will be held on the 22nd of Jan. at 7:00 pm. The February meeting will be held on the 19th of Feb.

Speaker February Meeting: Our guest speaker for February will be Mr. Jon Horak, aka “Fishing Jon”
along with his co-owner Scott Barber aka “Sturgeonscott” of “FOJ Rod and Reel Repair” in Salem, Oregon. Jon formally worked with Elstads Rod and Reel Repair. They also make crab pots, and with the opening of crab season, this will be a timely presentation. See the flyer below.

C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishng, please make it known to a board member.

8 December meeting and dinner: Thank you to all our members who participated. If you missed this fun event, the food was excellent and our guest speaker, Bob Reese, was very informative.

Association raffle tickets: Thank You to the members who bought tickets at the last meeting. Please bring an extra few bucks and we will sell you some tickets.
NOTE: The scheduling mouse got us on this one also. The nice folks at Sportsman’s Warehouse have scheduled the scouts to sell on the same dates we were hoping for. We are looking for another place to sell our tickets, two weekends in February and March each, ex; 9th and 23rd of Feb and 9th and 23rd of March. We can be flexible on the dates if we can get some spots. Please give Bob Johnston any suggestions you may have.
We have raffle tickets for a three day Alaskan fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and a ClackaCraft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a
fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings, and hopefully, if we can get some volunteers, at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. I may have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer or at the meetings. I plan to have a signup sheet at the meeting. Sell dates will be published when we get a place.

Classes at Chemeketa C.C. : President Matt Tucker has made contact with the authorities at our Salem Community College. They are working on a project to present classes on Salmon and Steelhead fishing. The program is exploratory now, but we hope with your support, it will be part of the curriculum. We may have to start as an adult education class and work up to a class for credit. The goal is to bring the N.W. Steelheaders message and expertise to the younger members of the community; hopefully they will join our chapter.

 Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ .

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Not getting correspondence: If you are not receiving your membership information from the Association please see the secretary, Bob Johnston. We found one member who was listed in another chapter. A lot of the phone numbers we have in the listing are not correct.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. If you need more information please contact Bob J. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.

Hope to see you at the January meeting; we will start at 7:00 p.m. on 23 January 2019

Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. MikeTucker President

December 2018 Newsletter

Salem Chapter Newsletter 9 December 2018

Ladies, gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages–this is your chapter newsletter for December 2018. On behalf of our President Matt Tucker, and the members of the board of directors, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

18 December meeting and dinner has been planned by the Board. We will have the Association Past Executive Director Bob Rees as our guest speaker. Bob is in charge of campaigns and policy for the association. Bob is a guide and a very successful fisherman. We are sure you will find his presentation very informative. The chapter will provide the ham and members will bring the side dishes. We had a signup sheet at the last meeting. If you did not get a chance to sign up and want to attend, please send me an e-mail: [email protected] or 503-507-1424 and tell me how many will be attending and what you are bringing. Please leave a phone message, I do not text. Suggestions are welcome. Past dinners have been outstanding and lots of fun. The drawing will be different: all attending will be given a ticket at no cost and drawings will be made for some very nice prizes. We will provide soft beverages and tableware. Start 7:00 p.m. 18 December 2017.

C.R.D.”=Courtesy, Respect, Decorum: The board of directors works hard to bring speakers to our meetings who are knowledgeable in their field of expertise, to enlighten and entertain the membership so you will want to attend the meetings, join and maintain your association membership and support the goals of the association. Some of our speakers travel from great distances to speak to us.
Members are requested to show the speakers and other members the
Courtesy of listening, Respect for what the speaker is talking about, and maintain Decorum during the presentations so other members can hear what is being presented. Ongoing conversations with the person sitting next to you during the program, correcting the speakers on his technique, and continuous comments of your personal experiences and fishing abilities are not appropriate.

Speaker Openings: The board of directors makes this offer to the membership: we will schedule you as a speaker and you can present your knowledge and experiences to the membership. If you know of someone who you think would provide an informative program on any subject related to fishing, please make it known to a board member.

Association raffle tickets: We hope to have raffle tickets for a three day Alaskan fishing trip, $1.00 each or 25 for $20.00 and a Clacka Craft 16’ Old School High Side Drift Boat, $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 ready to sell. This program is a fund raiser for our chapter and the association. We will be selling tickets at the general meetings, and hopefully, if we can get some volunteers, at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on south Lancaster in Salem. I may have blocks of tickets if you would like to check them out and sell them at work, school, church, health club, Tupperware parties and such. Sure would help. Please contact me at e-mail [email protected], PH; 503-507-1424 if you can help, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE if I do not answer or at the meetings. I plan to have a signup sheet at the dinner/meeting. Sell dates will be published when we get the tickets.

Donation to the Chapter: A very “big” THANK YOU to one of our members who donated $250.00 to our chapter. That is very generous of you and very much appreciated.

 Have you checked our chapter web page for Fish Pictures? If you have any recent pictures of fish you have caught or places you have fished, send the pictures to our website at: [email protected] with a short description of who is in the picture and what you have caught. Our chapter also has a Facebook page with lots of pictures and current info. Just search for “Salem NW Steelheaders” on Facebook and “like” our page. You can also see current info and pictures at our website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ .

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Membership renewals: We have some members with expired memberships. We are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. If you need more information please contact Bob J. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424. No answers please leave a message.

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: The board has a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.

Hope to see you at the December meeting; be hungry we will start at 7:00 p.m. 18 Dec. 2018.

Bob Johnston, Chapter Sec. Matt Tucker President


June 2018 Newsletter


Salem Chapter Newsletter 11 June 2018

Ladies, Gentlemen, and fishermen of all ages—this is your chapter newsletter  and update.  We get some sun, the weather warms and the darn weeds and grass grow faster; “Life gets Teajus don’t it.” {An old C&W song there}. Hope you have been fishing and “catching.

We want to thank the members who showed up for the Sportsmen Caucus on the Capital Lawn in Salem on May 26. Weather was not too bad and some kids had a lot of fun. Please check the photos on our home page. https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ or our Facebook page at:https://www.facebook.com/salemnwsteelheaders/  we also want to thank the members who helped with the Youth Outdoor Day at the E.E. Wilson Wildlife area on 9 June. Weather was a little damp but people attending had a good time.

Chapter President:  Our chapter president, Brian Winn, has submitted his resignation from the office of president.  Brian has issues that he must deal with and cannot fulfill his obligations of the office.  Brian will remain as the Past President on the board of directors.  Michael Tucker will serve as President and Rod Ratzlaff will be the chapter Vice President.  

The Learn the River trip, is scheduled for30 June, and this will be the last trip for this year. The last shuttle will leave Fisherman’s Bend at9:30 a.m. for Pack Saddle Park and boat ramp.  There will be a safety meeting, signing of releases in case of injury, and underway at 10:00 a.m. This run will be more challenging than the last trip and advanced oarsmanship is strongly recommended.  Each boat will need a PFD for each person.  For more information, please contact Bob Lusk at 1-503-559-5576; no answer leave a message and your number and he will get back to you.

Steelhead 101 Class, scheduled for June has been rescheduled to 15 September, we hope to incorporate Winter Steel head information into this class. The Fly fishing class has been canceled. Hopefully, we can do this event next year.  Santiam State Park clean up: this is our month to give the nice folks at the Santiam Park a hand by doing a little clean up and pruning of the park bushes and trails. NOT as much as we did in April. For our efforts, we get the use of the park shelter free of charge for our picnic. Please bring some clippers, loppers, gloves or whatever.  We plan to be there 9:00a.m. to 11:00 a.m. or noon.  Questions please call me 503-507-1424.  

Meeting 19 June 2018: Our guest speaker at our next meeting will be Mr. Rick Breckel.

Rick retired from the Forest Service in 2008 as a Wildlife Biologist for 31 years. For the past 4 years Rick is the Project Director for a non-profit group called Kokanee Power of Oregon (KPO). There is about 150 member’s state wide and they hold 3 or 4 kokanee derbies each year and the money collected is used to enhance the kokanee fisheries around the state in cooperation with ODFW. In the last 6 years they have and still have projects producing fish at Detroit, Wickiup, and Crescent Lake.  Rick will share some tips and gear used in Kokanee fishing and show a very interesting power point program.  Let’s have a big turnout to hear him speak. See attached flyer.

 Learn How to Row a Drift Boat Workshop Saturday, June 23 @ 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: Riverside County Park, 17298 SE Water Ave., Clackamas, OR.

This event is hosted by the Tualatin Valley Chapter of the Association of Northwest Steelheaders. This clinic includes safety training and a float trip down the river with an experienced drift boat captain. Lunch is provided. New members welcome.
FREE for Current ANWS Members Non-member fee of $25, which includes 1 year Individual Membership to the Association of NW Steelheaders! You do not need to own a drift boat to come to this training event. If you have a drift boat and would like to bring yours to help teach others (or build your own skills) please contact us. For more information, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/165066890999451/

July 14th [time TBA]: Chapter Picnic. We may be at Santiam State Park or Keizer Rapids. We need your input for us to increase attendance. We will address this at the next meeting. Please sign up and support our chapter.

July 29, 2018:Mid-Willamette Valley Angling Club invites you to a picnic on 12:00 at Maud Williamson State Park 22940 Southeast Dayton-Salem Highway. This is a potluck event and the MWVA Cub provides the fish and meat. Bring lawn chairs and your own silverware. Please contact Linda Chezem 503-510-2942 for additional information.

Sept. 15th 9:00a.m.:  Summer Winter Steelhead 101 Clinic.  If you are ready to learn, get signed up at the ODFW Calendar website and tell your friends who would like to learn. We will need instructors and volunteers to assist the students. This program is put on with the assistance of ODFW who provides the equipment and support.

Have you checked our chapter web page lately? https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/  Dave S. has put a lot of work into making it informative; giving links to fishing guides, fishing news, activities, photos, and more.  If there is something you want to see on the board or have something to contribute, i.e. a story or photos, please let us know.  We have the “how to make rags with photos” on the page. We would like to put photos of fish you catch on the page. Members can send their fish pictures to the club at the address above please include your contact information. 

At our meetings we have an “open seat board”: with a listing of people who want to go fishing and people who have an open seat in the boat to hook up. Check it out; you may meet a new fishing buddy or someone to help you manage/ballast your boat.

We have some new members who want to learn to fish for steelhead and want to fish with you. If you see a new face, please introduce yourself and see what they are interested in or ask us to help you find someone.

Are you getting your Association magazine, The Northwest Steelheader, information from the association, and chapter e-mails? If you are not, please contact me.

Snail Mail: If you are getting this letter in the mail and have an e-mail address PLEASE   let us use it to save us money on paper, ink, stamps, and my time and provide us with that information.

Be part of the 100,000 Spring Chinook Returning to the Willamette River.. The Quest for 100K’s objective is to get 100,000 spring Chinook back to the Willamette River each and every year for the benefit of sport anglers, food banks and general overall ecology of the region. Sea lions are currently the major bottleneck for the recovery of upper Willamette Basin salmon and steelhead stocks to accomplish this goal.  More information at the association web page: https://nwsteelheaders.org and our web page: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/ Soon I will have information and action pages at the meeting. Email me if you want some more information.

Membership renewals:   We have 24 members with expired memberships; we are trying to keep our membership renewals current so please check your membership card to see if you may have missed your notification. We do not want to lose someone who missed renewing. If you need more information please contact Bob J. at a meeting or give him a call at 503-507-1424.

See you soon, Bob Johnston, Sec.