Hi All !
Well here comes summer, is it hot enough yet? I hope you are staying cool. The Steelhead are starting to move into the river now Bob Lusk caught two in one day and they weren’t recycled, time to go get em.
Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out at Roaring River Hatchery on the 4th. I hope no one passed out from the heat.
There is a learn the river trip set for the 11th of June from Fishermans Bend to Lyons, it will shove off at 10:00 am, get there early so you can get your rig shuttled.
The ODFW has a new pilot program starting in July and August it is called the River Ambassador Project, This program will not take up much of your time it is designed to be on Saturday at one of the parks on the north Santiam so you can instruct novice fisherman about what they will be catching and how to handle the fish for release. There will be a meeting on June the 11th to get this party rolling, if you would like to attend contact Karen Hans at [email protected] or call 541-757-4186 ext 251.
Let me put in a couple of words about the Chapter picnic that will be held in July on the 16th, We the Board need to know how many people are interested in attending this function, it is a potluck event and we will supply the main course, this function will be held at the North Santiam State Park, You can bring your kids and we will supply some games for them, you can bring your fishing gear and go after the steelhead and salmon in the river, it is a nice fishing area, we will have the covered gazebo for protection from the sun, We will also be providing the water and soda for this event, but you must sign up at the next general meeting or email me or phone me by the 30th of June so we have an accurate count. Remember people this event is for you not for the Board members so please sign up and come and mingle with your friends and club members.
For the meeting we have Curt Curry professional guide to come and give you some pointer on how to catch Salmon, so bring a friend and enjoy the class.
We will have refreshments and door prize drawings as usual, so come one come all to the next meeting June 21st at Keizer City Hall 7:00 pm.
Keep you line tight and your powder dry. Brian