March 2017 Newsletter




Hi All !

Hope you all are staying dry, for March this is unusual weather 2 days of snow, Ice and rain and then just as you think it has passed it starts again. If you weren’t on the learn the river trip on Saturday the 4th you missed a great trip. Bob said it was sunny and almost warm and the fishing wasn’t bad either they caught some smolts and there was one steelhead caught, but he wasn’t with our group, according to our river expert there are fish in the river and if it ever stops raining we just might try to get some.

Our meeting for March 21st will have Jack Glass as our speaker and we will be raffling off two seats on Jacks boat and learning some valuable hints on how to catch Steelhead and maybe even Salmon, so please come early and get your tickets for the drawings.

At this time of year I try to get volunteers for our up and coming events, I would like all the angler educators to sign up for our Fly Fishing Clinic on April 29th the last two we have had were a big success and a lot of fun, then in June we have free fishing weekend on the 3rd and Youth Outdoor Day on the 10th and I hope to get at least 12 to 15 volunteers to come and teach the kids how to fishing help with the set up and take down of the fishing booth.

As usual we will have refreshments and our usual drawings for prizes, so bring a friend and enjoy the meeting. See you there. Keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian

January 2017 Newsletter




Hi All!

Well here it is time for the winter steelhead to be coming up the river and looking for food, the water level in the North Santiam is down to a fishable level, but it is really cold outside, for some reason winter dropped on us like a ton of bricks, I still have snow in my yard and my street is still frozen, it is pretty though.

Come one, Come all to hear our speaker give you tips on catching that elusive winter steelhead, Arden Corey is a licensed river guide for the Santiam rivers, his home river is the North Santiam and he doesn’t miss very often. So grab your fishing buddy and be at the meeting on the 17th, we’ll have refreshments and our always great door prizes, and a great speaker.

To pass along a little info for the bargain hunter in you, On Jan 10th at the 50 + center, Mid Valley Anglers is putting on a vendors show, you don’t have to be a member to attend and there should be a lot of great buys there, so don’t forget the 50+ center on Portland road, I believe it starts at 7pm. Have fun

Please don’t forget that this is ticket sales time of the years for the drift boat, I will have tickets at the meeting and we will be looking for some help in selling tickets, so please try to help.

Well looks like its time too sign off and wish you all a Happy New Year. Keep your line tight and your powder dry. Brian

December 2016 Newsletter




Hi All,

With the rain and snow it is time you know that Santa Clause is coming to town, There will be missle toe and trees all aglow waiting for Santa to bring toys and joy.

The river is still high and pretty much not fishable till it goes down some, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying.

I am late getting this out because today is the day of the hearing down town on gill nets, I just hope enough people show up to sway the powers that be.

Just around the corner is our Christmas Party, so mark your calendars and get your potluck dish ready this will be a good time, Our speaker for this event will be Karen Hans Biologist from the ODFW in Corvallis, she will be telling you about cutthroat trout and salmon and steelhead in the north Santiam, this will be very informative, can’t wait to see you all there.

We will be supplying the main course and the drinks and plates and silverware, and we will be giving away a great prize at the feast, so don’t stay home.

Not much else to say so keep your lines tight and your powder dry. Brian

November 2016 Newsletter

NewLogoHi All,
How about this weather? pretty nice for fishing and hunting
my river has dropped below 5 feet and there should be some fish still swimming around, I think I will check with Bob L. and find out.

Here it is November and the HOF banquet is this coming
weekend on the 12th, as most of you know we have purchased a
table for the banquet that holds 10 people, at this time we have
space for 2 or three more, the coast is 35.00 per person and if
you want a ride to go we will be doing carpooling for the trip up
and back to Wilsonville, this event is always fun and the food is
great. Please contact me if you would like to attend either by
email or phone (623-363-7387), hope to hear from you very

Our up coming meeting is on the 15th of Nov, at 7:00 pm and
we will have Arden Corey, North Santiam River guide and pro
fisherman, this is the man you go to if you want to know any-
thing about the North Santiam and what is biting, I’m sure that
Arden will have some great tips on catching Steelhead in the
River and Salmon, bring a friend this type of info will help even
the most seasoned veteran.

At the meeting there will be a sign up sheet for the Christmas
Party Please think about what you want to bring as your potluck
and check the sheet to see how many people are bringing the
same thing. We will be supplying the main course and the
refreshments, looking forward to a large turnout this year,
we will also have a guest speaker that night
(to be announced at a later date).

Refreshments and door prizes will be at our next meeting,
hope to see you there, bring a friend. Keep your line tight and
your powder dry, till the next time. Brian

October 2016 Newsletter




Hi All,

Well here we are on this beautiful sunny day, the water in the river has cleared up and our V.P. caught himself a couple of fish yesterday, one steelhead and one coho buck – so strike while the fire is hot.

I want all of you to know that your V.P. Bob Lusk is in the VA hospital for open heart surgery. He went in this morning and put his face on Facebook while he was waiting to go in the operating room. Please send some prayers to him for a speedy recovery, he still hasn’t gotten his Buck yet. Seriously he need your prayers.

Well here comes the next meeting, Oct. 18 at 7:00pm at the city hall in Keizer, bring some friends. We will have Matt Halseth pro guide as our speaker, and he will be full of great tips and info for you on how to catch steelhead and salmon. We will also be raffling off a seat in Matt’s boat to go fishing with the best.

We will also have all the usual raffle Items and refreshments, so bring a friend or two, we can always use new members. So for now, Keep your line tight and your powder dry.


September 2016 Newsletter




Hi All!

How was your summer? Mine was pretty quiet, did some river trips, a little fishing, and really just relaxing. I’ll bet that most of you had a better time fishing then I did, anyway here we go again with meetings and guest speakers to help us to learn more about how to catch that big one.

Starting off our season of meetings we will have a special guest from Healing Waters fly fishing to give you the run down on this organization and how to get involved, so bring a friend and don’t forget we will have our usual door prizes and refreshments so don’t forget Sept 20th at Keizer city hall meeting room at 7:00 PM. See you there.

Just a reminder we are still looking for people to be on the Board, we can really use the help, also there is the Hall of fame banquet coming up, and our wonderful Christmas Party, so mark them on your calendars.

Sorry for such a short news letter I will try to d better next time. So keep your lines tight and your powder dry. Brian

Salem Chapter Picnic

Hi all ! get out in the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans, it is picnic time on the north Santiam river. bring your gear if you wish and your potluck dish and come join us at about 10:00 am on Saturday the 16th we will bring the games you bring the kids.
 Some directions for those that are new to the Chapter, Go east on 22 towards Detroit lake, when you pass the flashing light at Mehama, Lyons turn off go about three miles and keep looking to the right for the sign there is a pull out before the turnoff it is not the biggest sign but if you are looking you can’t miss it, if you get to Mill City turn around, sometimes it is easier to see on the way back.
If you haven’t signed up give me a call or email me, we will have room for you. Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

June 2016 Newsletter




Hi All !

Well here comes summer, is it hot enough yet? I hope you are staying cool. The Steelhead are starting to move into the river now Bob Lusk caught two in one day and they weren’t recycled, time to go get em.

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out at Roaring River Hatchery on the 4th. I hope no one passed out from the heat.

There is a learn the river trip set for the 11th of June from Fishermans Bend to Lyons, it will shove off at 10:00 am, get there early so you can get your rig shuttled.

The ODFW has a new pilot program starting in July and August it is called the River Ambassador Project, This program will not take up much of your time it is designed to be on Saturday at one of the parks on the north Santiam so you can instruct novice fisherman about what they will be catching and how to handle the fish for release. There will be a meeting on June the 11th to get this party rolling, if you would like to attend contact Karen Hans at [email protected] or call 541-757-4186 ext 251.

Let me put in a couple of words about the Chapter picnic that will be held in July on the 16th, We the Board need to know how many people are interested in attending this function, it is a potluck event and we will supply the main course, this function will be held at the North Santiam State Park, You can bring your kids and we will supply some games for them, you can bring your fishing gear and go after the steelhead and salmon in the river, it is a nice fishing area, we will have the covered gazebo for protection from the sun, We will also be providing the water and soda for this event, but you must sign up at the next general meeting or email me or phone me by the 30th of June so we have an accurate count. Remember people this event is for you not for the Board members so please sign up and come and mingle with your friends and club members.

For the meeting we have Curt Curry professional guide to come and give you some pointer on how to catch Salmon, so bring a friend and enjoy the class.

We will have refreshments and door prize drawings as usual, so come one come all to the next meeting June 21st at Keizer City Hall 7:00 pm.

Keep you line tight and your powder dry. Brian

May 2016 Newsletter

Hi All !
Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather, I know that the
weather was wonderful last weekend for the Learn The River
Trip from Mehama to Stayton, we had 14 boats and had a great
time floating the river, we did a lot of fishing but the only thing
caught were a couple of trout, that we had to put back ( it’s not
trout season yet) all in all the trip was great.

We have a lot of events coming up this month, Minto Park
Clean-up is tomorrow Saturday the 14th, next Saturday is Youth
Outdoor Day At EE Wilson and the following weekend is the free
fishing day at the Roaring river hatchery for the kids, all of you
that volunteered for these events please be on time.

I haven’t heard who our speaker will be this meting it will
either be The Kokanee Kid Or Gilly, Which ever it is it will be
good so bring a friend. We will have refreshments and the door
prizes, and the great company of all the other Steelheaders.

The fish are in the river but they are very reluctant to bite,
maybe it will improve when the water warms up a little.
Keep your line tight and your powder dry see you Tuesday the
17th. at the meeting. Brian

April 2016 Newsletter






Hi All

First off let me apologize for my mess up on the dates in the newsletter last month, that was why our speaker didn’t come, but Jack will be here at this meeting and I hope you will all come to see him and hear what he has to say, We will be raffling off two seats for Jack’s boat, so bring a friend and come enjoy the talk.

As you can tell by the fish counts at the dams we are not getting the fish we were hoping for but there are a few that have managed to avoid the jaws of the sea lions and seals, they seem to be a bigger problem this year and are now causing problems with small watercraft, so if you are fishing in the Willamette below the falls please be careful.

Hopefully all of you remember that this is election month and the office of President is open for nominations as are all the jobs on the board, and we can use a couple more able bodies on the board for special projects and some fresh ideas. Please remember that this great organization we belong to was founded by volunteers and is run by volunteers that love fishing and care about the environment so don’t be afraid to help out when needed, we on the board appreciate all of you.

As I mentioned Jack Glass will be at the meeting Tuesday April 19th 7:00pm at Keizer City Hall. (no mistake this time )

Just as a reminder Saturday is Clean-up day at North Santiam State Park it starts at 9:00am and we will be serving lunch about 12:00 This doesn’t cost you anything but a couple of hours of your time and it is a great help to the park rangers in getting the park ready for the summer campers, I only have 5 people that signed up at the meeting and we can really use more.

As usual there will be our regular door prizes and refreshments, so bring a friend and we will have a great turnout for Jack Glass.

So remember keep your line tight and your powder dry, see you at the meeting. Brian